We Play Capture the Flag

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A horn blew, echoing off the trees. Kids started to whoop and yell, as swords started to clank together. Luke and I darted off together away from the main force of our team, as we snuck past guards and kids running nearby. We ducked behind bushes, and hid behind trees, slowly making our way around to the enemy flag. We eventually came cross a group of 3 kids, guarding a small clearing.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Shut up," Luke grunted.

That was the first words he has said to me... I'm starting to feel like he doesn't like me for some reason.

Luke jumped out from our hiding spot, and started to fight the group of kids. Riptide was already in my hand, so I jumped out to help him. But Luke already defeated them, and they were laying on the ground with many cuts on their bodies. One kid tried to get back up, Luke then cut his leg, the kid fell back down. Then Luke stepped on the kids ankle, with a sickening Crack! The kids ankle broke under Luke's weight. A dark smile grew on his face as the kid wailed in pain.

"Dude what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled pushing Luke off of the kid. "No maiming!" I took off my helmet and threw it at his chest.

"Get off me piss brain!" He grunted and slashed his sword at me.

"Dude... you have problems..." I said disgusted by his presence. Luke looked unhinged, and deranged, the look in his eyes was different, he looked cold blooded.

"Don't get in my way," He growled. I wanted to listen, and do what I was told...But... that is just not my nature.

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" I asked with a smirk.

He didn't even hesitate. Luke lunged the tip of his sword at my chest, I just managed to dodge the attack and back away.

"Woah... you really are deranged," I chuckled, raising my sword in a shrug.

He bared his teeth, and came at me again. He slashed down at my head, my sword got into his strikes path. But the power behind his slash was too much, my block broke, and his sword hit my head. If I didn't get in the way of his attack, he would have killed me. Blood started to flow, down my face and covering my eye. Luke smirked and kicked me in the chest plate, sending me flying back at least ten feet.

Luke stood over me, pointing the tip of his sword at my face. "People like you... annoy me," He was about to kill me, just as a rock flew from somewhere hitting him right in the back of the helmet. "Who's there!?" He yelled scanning the trees around us. "You will stay there and die if you know what's good for you," Luke said turning back to look down at me, he then ran off into the woods disappearing.

Loud footsteps thudded to me in a run. "Oh, my gods! Charlie, can you hear me?" The voice of my brother rang out, but he wasn't anywhere near me. The air shimmered above me, and Ty appeared holding the tattered Yankees cap. His face was filled with panic.

Look for the water, Charlie.

Dad's voice played again and again in my head. "Water..." I said, my voice was shaking, my body started to feel cold. Ty looked around nervously and found a stream near by us, he slowly dragged me into the stream holding my body still in the water.

I started to feel warm, and awake. Nothing hurt, not my head, or my chest. I reached up and Ty took my hand carefully getting to my feet. He looked relived, but there was still a hint of fear in his face.

"Come on, lets get you to Chiron," Ty said, wrapping my arm around his shoulders, we started walking along the stream.

We walked, until we heard a loud commotion near by. We hurried up to see Percy getting ganged up on, by the Ares kids. One of the kids pushed him into the creek, and Percy fell to his back.

"I should help him," Ty said.

"No wait..." I said, "I want to watch Dad fight."

Percy got to his feet, the Ares kids got into the creek to fight him. Dad swung, smacking the flat of his sword against one kids head, his helmet flew off so far it almost reached Ty and me. The kid crumpled in a stupid wet heap into the creek. Two more came at Percy, he smacked one in the face with his shield, and sheared the others plume off. They backed up quickly, the only smart decision by them. Clarisse thrusted her spear at Percy's ribs, but he caught it with his shield, and snapping it with his sword. She started to yell at him, but he smashed her in the face with the butt of his sword, she stumbled back out of the creek, landing on her big butt.

Cheering started to play out from the trees, Luke burst out of the tree line holding the red teams banner. He raced across the creek, and the banner changed from a red boars head with a spear, to the silver caduceus of the number 11 cabin. They lifted Luke into the air and carried him around cheering. I shook my head, and ushered a "Let's go," To Ty.

I saw Annabeth talking to Percy, he looked confused and angry, not happy at all. She looked at the creek, said something to Percy and he stepped out of the water, his arms drooped, and he looked like he was about to collapse to the ground. Annabeth cursed loud so loud, you could hear it over the cheers.

A blood curdling howled echoed throughout the forest. The cheering died instantly, the sound of over a dozen kids unsheathing their swords, and Chiron yelling in Ancient Greek, Stand Ready! My Bow!

On a small cliff of rocks, a black hound the size of a rhino growled with red glowing eyes, and teeth the size of daggers. He was starring straight at Dad. The dog began to run, Annabeth yelled for Percy to run, but the dog was too fast. He leaped over Annabeth, and sunk his teeth into Percy's armor ripping it like paper, my heart sank to the ground, and I started running to help. Just as I was about to get to Dad, forty arrows hit the dogs neck in under a second. The dog hit the ground, dead at Percy's feet.

I got to him, and Percy was laying there, a dozen teeth marks in his armor, and blood pouring out. Annabeth and I shared a look and quickly dragged him into the creek, where his wounds instantly started to heal. The crowd of campers gasped.

"Its all-Percy's fault, he summoned it!" Clarisse yelled.

"Shut up bitch!" I said, not in Ancient Greek.

Percy stood to his feet, his chest fully healed. Then... just like me, a glowing sea green trident appeared over his head. Everyone quickly bowed, Ty and I happily following along, I couldn't hold back my smile, as I watched my Dad get claimed.

"Hail Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God!" 

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