chapter 13- go

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"I don't understand." Robin huffed as the ran back down the stairs. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly." Steve answered. 

"Then what exactly?" Robin furthered her questioning.

"All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin said.

"Really bad." Phoebe added. 

"Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin reiterated, the panic in his voice beginning to come through. Phoebe brought her left hand up to her face, her teeth digging into the skin surrounding her thumb nail. It had become a habit of hers, something she only did during tests or when she was really anxious about something. The last few years had left her with bloody nails at least once a week from the anxiety. 

"And you know about this how?" Robin continued peppering questions onto Dustin. Phoebe was about to step in and answer, but Erica interrupted. 

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica motioned to the floor, that was now empty. They guard Steve had knocked out was gone. Before any of them could begin arguing possible scenarios a loud, blaring alarm began sounding throughout the entire facility. Steve quickly opened the door and saw multiple people look around and then run towards the comms room as soon as they saw him. He slammed it shut with a curse and walked backwards.

"Shit! Go, go, go, go!" he yelled as he pushed everyone back up the stairs.

"Shit!" Phoebe and Dustin muttered at the same time just before bursting into the control room for the Gate. Everyone in the room looked at them, very confused.

"There!" Phoebe yelled as she pointed to stairs on the side of the room. Robin instantly followed the command and rushed down the stairs, Erica in tow by the wrist. The guards were right behind them, but Steve had only dared look a couple times to see how close they actually were. They soon ended up right beside the laser that was piercing into the wall, Dustin yelling a constant stream of profanities. Steve frantically looked around and spotted another set of stairs. 

"This way!" he yelled over the whirring of the machine, grabbing Phoebe's hand as he started running. A smaller squad of soldiers began coming at them from the side, but Steve quickly knocked over a tower of barrels to slow them. Robin saw another door and opened it, holding it for everyone else. Steve and Phoebe leaned against the door to stop the soldiers from getting in.

"Robin, help!" Phoebe shouted as her shoes slipped on the floor. The guards were too strong for her and Steve to hold off by themselves. "Dustin, go!" she instructed her brother. He and Erica had opened the air vent in the room, Erica already inside calling for him to come. 

"Phoebe, no, come on!" Dustin argued.

"Go!" Robin and Steve yelled. Dustin climbed into the vent, shooting Phoebe a look as he closed the grate over himself and fled. The door then burst open, the force sending all three of them into the wall. Phoebe's back and head hit the wall square and she immediately curled up into the fetal position, hands in the air, as the Russians surrounded them with guns. 

- - - 

The metal surface was cold on Phoebe's face as she opened her eyes. She sat up off the floor, instantly regretting as her head began pounding. Her back was aching and her legs felt like Jell-O. She looked around herself, seeing the steel room with only a door and a single chair. There was a small window in the door. She stood and poked her head against the glass hoping to see something, but the hallway outside was empty. She heard groaning in the room next to her and pressed her ear against the wall to her right. 

"Robin?!" she asked frantically. 

"Phoebe? Is that you?" Robin answered.

"Yeah it's me. Are you okay?" There was a pause. 

"Define 'okay'." Robin replied, earing a small chuckle from Phoebe.

"Um, funny. I guess, are you bleeding? Can you stand and walk?"

"No blood, which is good because then there would also be puke. I can't handle blood, not even my own. My period is quite literally the worst week of my life every month." Both girls laughed. "Walk, yes. Stand, sort of. My legs feel like they're about to fall off."

"Mine too. It's like they're asleep from me sitting weird and my muscles don't know what day of the week it is." Phoebe relayed her physical status. Robin let out a small chuckle, but stopped herself as she heard people walking outside. Phoebe also heard it and rushed to listen through the door. She heard another door open to her left and moved to that wall with her ear. There was some muffled Russian speaking followed by a loud thump and then a groan. "Steve!" she yelled, instantly recognizing his voice. 

"Steve? Where is he?" she heard Robin ask from the opposite side. 

"He's in the room on the other side of me. Some Russian guys went in there, I think they're torturing him." Phoebe explained, holding back tears. She continued to listen, the same muffled Russian continuing followed by thumps and groaning from Steve. It went quiet for a moment before she heard footsteps in the hall again. She instinctively backed herself into one of the corners. She winced as the door was flung open and 3 men entered. One stayed by the door while the other two stalked towards her. The one by the door said something in Russian before jerking his head toward the door. The two next to her then picked her up on either side by her armpits. "Let me go! Put me down, you assholes!" She yelled as the lifted her. Their height caused her to be lifted so much that her feet couldn't reach the ground. As they stepped into the hallway she saw Robin being carried in the same fashion. Both girls continued to protest until the next door was opened.

The men threw Phoebe and Robin to the ground, both of them wincing and groaning as they landed on the cold, hard, metal floor. Phoebe instantly saw Steve lying in a heap in the middle of the room and rushed to his side. "Steve! Steve? Steve!" she repeated, trying to wake him, but nothing was working. "What did you do to him?"

"What did you do?" Robin repeated the question. A shorter man in a decorative hat hit both girls across the mouth. Phoebe quickly recovered and looked back at the short man. By his uniform and hat she could tell that he was someone in charge. The rest of the guards in the room had plain uniforms and hats, while the short man's had a few stripes of color and his hat was different. More Russian was spoke and the guards began lifting them into chairs, tying them down. 

"Let us go!" "What did you do?" "Steve, wake up!" The girls both yelled as the guards strapped them to each chair and then wrapped two thicker ropes around all three of their bodies. The short leader grabbed the front tuft of Steve's hair and lifted his head, tutting his tongue as he looked at Steve's bloodied face. 

"I think your friend need a doctor." The short man spoke as he walked around to be in front of the girls. "Good thing. We have the very best." He and the other soldiers began laughing, as if Steve's condition was funny. 

"Just let us go! We won't say anything, we swear." Phoebe tried to reason with the man, while Robin took an alternate route and spit in his face. He took a handkerchief and wiped Robin's spit off his face and moved it close to hers.

"You're going to regret that, suka." he whispered, his face only mere inches from Robin's. That was one of the few words Phoebe knew in Russian-little bitch. It only made the knot in her stomach churn. All the men left the room, Robin continuing to yell at them, calling them 'bastards'. Phoebe would've yelled along with her, but there were so many thoughts swirling in her mind, she almost passed out.  

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