chapter 17- blend

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Dustin poked his head out of the bathroom door before quickly joining the crowd of people leaving the movie theater. "And...blend." He instructed as they all moved through the people, becoming invisible. 

"Well, shit. That worked." Erica admitted. 

"Of course it worked." Dustin bragged. "Now we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come."

"Uh, we can't go home." Phoebe whispered. 


"Well, I might've told them your full name." Steve added. Dustin glared back at him. 

"What is wrong with you?" Dustin whisper-yelled. 

"Dude, I was drugged." Steve deflected. 



"So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin argued. 

"Oh, easy for you to say." Steve defended himself.

"Okay, chill out. We can just go to Steve's, it's right next door." Phoebe interjected.

"Guys?" Robin asked as she looked ahead. They all followed her gaze until they saw a series of guards stopping people before they left the mall.

"Abort." Dustin said, panicked as a guard looked directly at the group. "Abort! Abort!" They all quickly turned heel and ran in the opposite direction. Robin stopped at the top of the escalator. It was shut off and had a rope blocking the entrance. Phoebe thought quickly and launched herself down the middle of the two sides, using it like a playground slide. Everyone followed her and frantically looked around when they reached the bottom. 

"There." Steve pointed to the Chinese restaurant in the food court and ran towards it. He hopped over the counter and waved everyone to follow, them all crouching down below the counter top to hide. Phoebe brought her knees to her chest and tried to breath as quietly as possible, though it was difficult with her heart racing. They were all silent, only the occasional footstep making them all flinch. Phoebe knew it was only a matter of time before they found them. They weren't exactly in a top secret hiding place. She thought about what would happen when they were spotted; Steve would try to fight them off, she would force Erica and Dustin to leave and go get help, Robin would attempt to help Steve but fail. This would end badly no matter what they did.

After a few more minutes of silence, a walkie talkie crackling scared Phoebe. She flinched again, her hand instantly finding Steve's and squeezing it. The man spoke into the radio and Phoebe could tell he was close. As his footsteps grew louder, her heart beat faster. Suddenly, the display car's alarm began going off and the guard whipped his body in the car's direction, his weapon poised and ready. Whatever the guards saw was bizarre enough to stump them and no noise came before the sound of the car crashing into the opposite wall filled the entire food court. They all stood instantly and looked to see the top of the car smashed and guard's bodies around it. Phoebe then looked up and saw a group of people on the mezzanine, instantly recognizing the girl with short hair and her arm extended in front of her. 

Eleven was joined by Mike, Max, Lucas, Will, Nancy, and Jonathan. They made their way down to the main level and instantly the questions began.

"Erica, what the hell are you doing here?" Lucas yelled at his sister. 

"Ask them, it's their fault." She shoved her thumb towards Steve.

"That's totally true." he confirmed. 

"I don't understand what just happened to that car." Robin said.

"She threw it with her mind." Phoebe answered as she pointed to El.

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