chapter 14- morons

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"Someone help! Please! Let us go!" Robin yelled. She had been yelling various phrases like these since the Russian men left them in the steel room. Phoebe couldn't see her watch, but based on how badly she needed to pee she guessed it had been at least five or six hours since they got out of the elevator. Her subsiding headache was also an indicator that they'd been tied up for almost a hour. She was officially becoming annoyed with Robin's yelling, but didn't want to start an argument. All she really wanted was for Steve to wake up, go home, and hide away from all of this. 

"Hey, shh." Steve whisper mumbled as Robin's yelling resumed. Phoebe's head whipped in his direction.

"Steve?!" she exclaimed. 

"Steve?" Robin repeated.

"Be quiet, my head," he trailed off. Both girls let out deep sighs and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, thank God. I thought you were dead!" Robin said.

"I feel like I might die." Steve argued. "What the hell happened?" 

"I don't know, last thing I remember was blocking the door and yelling at my brother and Erica to go and get help." Phoebe relayed her memory. "Then I woke up in a room that was all metal with a raging headache. I don't know if they just beat the crap out of us till we passed out or what."

"Yeah, I don't remember either." Robin added. "But they did say they were gonna bring you a doctor, Steve." Phoebe could hear that she was trying to lighten to mood, but it didn't do much.

"Is this his place of work?" Steve asked sarcastically after he looked around the cold, steel room. "I love the vibe." Phoebe chuckled at his sarcasm. She stopped as her eyes landed on a small table with random objects on it, including a pair of scissors. 

"Hey, guys. You see that table to your left?" She asked. Robin's head turned, but Steve's went the other way. "Steve, other left." she corrected. "You see the scissors?"

"Morons, they left stuff in here." Robin scoffed as she was slowly piecing together Phoebe's plan. 

"I'm thinking if we all hop, scoot, whatever over there, we can knock the scissors into someone's lap and cut the binds."

"That could work," Robin followed along. 

"That will totally work. Pheebs you're a genius!" Steve exclaimed. 

"Okay, on three." She instructed. "One, two, three!" They all pushed off the ground and scooted towards the table.

"Okay, that worked." Steve said, almost surprised. 

"Again. One, two, three!"

"Holy shit this is gonna work!" Robin yelled.

"One, two," Phoebe started to count, but Steve interrupted. 

"Wait, my shoelace-"

"What?" Phoebe asked, but Robin ignored them both and attempted a third scoot. The lack of energy caused them all them all to tip over onto the floor in a loud clatter. They all groaned as the sides of their bodies collided with the metal floor.

"You good, Pheebs?" Steve asked as Phoebe winced hard.

"Yeah, just hit my bad knee weird on the floor. You guys good?" she replied.

"I'm good." Steve confirmed. "Robin you okay?" Instead of speaking she let out a strange squeaking noise. "Don't cry, Robin. I swear we're gonna get out of here." he tried to comfort her.

"No, I'm not crying." She clarified as she stopped her giggles. 

"Are you laughing?" Steve asked like he was almost annoyed.

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