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Sometimes it just hits me,
Im a teen
But i have no friends
I have no fashion sense
I have no humour
My trio fell apart
Im taking meds everyday like its a normal thing

Is it a normal thing for a teen to be taking meds on a daily basis ?
Forcing myself to eat
Forcing myself to stay calm
I cant show emotions anymore
I cant do anything
I hate being me

My life is messed up
A 15 year old who is being left out
She looks nerdy but is stupid
She acts confident but she cries herself to sleep
She shrugs things off but deep down she knows how badly that hurt
She yells as a coping mechanism

How else would others look at me
I cant stand it
I hate living
I hate it
I hate it so much

Why cant i just be normal?
Why cant i just fit in ?
Why am i so weird ?
I don't want to live this life anymore

-things i want to tell you

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