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The wheelchair crashed down upon Elizabeth's head with a sickening crack. I knew it wasn't the chair that cracked, it was the nurse's head.

She stood still at first, her eyes looking straight ahead with a blank expression on her face. Then, her pupils seemed to disappear as she lost her balance and fell into a heap on the floor. While she made impact with the floor, the tranquilizer needle fell from her grip, landing sharply into her right leg. Elizabeth didn't make any expression of any pain only because she was already unconscious.

A pool of blood seeped from the top of her head where the wheelchair made contact. Her once pure white nurse hat was now soaked with blood. On the floor of the dark room, Nurse Elizabeth lie in an unnatural position.

It felt good to finally have some power over people. I always had power over my little brother unknowingly. I didn't realize it, but whenever I thought my parents made me crazy by getting me in trouble for things my little brother did, I never knew what the word crazy really meant. Crazy had more than one meaning. It's an overused word. A word you won't ever know the meaning of unless you experience it first hand.

Suddenly, from across the room Doctor Harold lurched forward. He had a worried, scared and an expression of pure hatred pasted on his sickening face. You've already came so far, I told myself. Don't lose yourself now. I knew that I would be severely punished for what I did to Elizabeth. I couldn't face that. I didn't want to think about what would happen if they caught me. Would they put me to death?

In seconds, I had the wheelchair lifted in the air again. As Harold made his way closer, I told myself that it was him asking for it. As much as it killed me to hurt another living being, I knew it was either myself or them. These people were insane. More insane than the patients. They went around rubbing their insanity off on the patients.

I whacked the doctor as hard as I could, painfully pulling my left arm muscle in the process. Harold stopped walking and looked dazed for half a second before he began tugging the wheelchair toward him. With my injured muscle, it hurt to hold onto it. The wooden bars were slipping out of my slippery grip inch by inch. But I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.

Thinking frantically what to do, I kept holding on, kept allowing Harold to angrily pull at the wheelchair. Still, I kept myself behind the chair, using it as a solid shield between the doctor and I.

"G-Give me that wheelchair!" he boomed, slurring.

Silently hoping no other nurse or doctor would hear and then come into the room to help him, I suddenly remembered how Harold shut the door. It wasn't sound proof, but the nurses and doctors knew that the patients frequently screamed. They wouldn't know if Harold was a patient or not.

A smile played on my lips as I spoke, feeling in control. "Give you this? Oh, I'll give you it to you."

Then, without warning, with all my strength, I hurled the wheelchair in his direction. Sure enough, Harold was unexpecting of my action. The wheelchair flew in his direction, him still holding tightly onto it. He was unable to stop the wheelchair before it hit him right in the front of the face.

Doctor Harold fell backwards with the wheelchair landing right on top of him. His back hit the floor at the same time as he let out a cry of pain. His voice sounded much older and tired than before.

I stood inside the room, staring at the scene in front of me.

A nurse and a doctor, badly injured on the floor, I thought. Caused by me.

I pulled my gaze away from the bodies and glanced around the dark room. I looked around to the shattered window that was broken by the man from before. Though the bars were mangled in all different directions, it still looked hard to get through. If it's hard for me, then how did a man three times my size get through it?

And why didn't he kill me? In fact, if he wouldn't have pushed me over, I wouldn't have came this far.

With so many questions unanswered, I limped my way over to the window. With every step I used my right knee for, it ached. I didn't let it stop me as I walked over to the window. However, when glancing out I couldn't see anything but darkness. I couldn't tell how high up I was or how dangerous it was out there. By jumping out I could make it worse and not even be aware.

Using all my bravery, I ran over to the metal door and started to yank at the handle. I knew that Doctor Harold didn't lock it.

But that was also when I remembered that in order to get into most rooms, you needed a key.

The key, I told myself, making my way back over to the nurse and doctor. Neither one of them luckily were awake yet.

I bent over next to Elizabeth and fished my hand around in her pocket. My heart rate picked up as I realized it was empty. I took my hand out and started to reach for her other pocket when I realized there was none.

Come on, come on, I urged. Where's the key?

I started to panic, sweat building up on my palms once again before I noticed something shiny on the floor a few inches away from Elizabeth's left hand.

I soundlessly lunged at it, picking it up in my hand and making a fist to ensure it wouldn't fall out. Elizabeth must've dropped the key when she fell.

With that, I ran toward to the door trying to be as quiet as I could as I opened the large, heavy, metal door. I only opened it a tiny sliver, just enough for me to squeeze through. And then, I made my way into the hallway.

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