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The alarm rang, waking me. The bright sun was seeping into my window which was covered completely with blinds. However, the bright sun still lit up the room almost fully.

With a yawn, I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly, attempting to push away the sleep.

As I reached over to the nightstand to turn my blaring alarm off, somebody grabbed my wrist.

I slowly looked up to see a tall man wearing a straitjacket. Except, it was mangled as if he broke out of it, and his arm was out, full of blood. Half of his face was covered by restraints with no use to him.

I let out a scream as his sleep deprived eyes bored into mine intensely. By the second, his grip was getting tighter and tighter.

Sweating and screaming, I broke out of my nightmare with a start. I tried to sit up, but then realized I was in fact strapped down just like I had been.

Parts of my dream came flying back at me; how my alarm went off signaling I had to wake up, how the man grabbed my arm. I never felt this excited to go to school. I wished I were at school right now in a boring, hard math lesson. If only. I wondered why I wasn't going to school, where my parents were in all this, and where all my friends were. But mostly, I wondered how I got here. I knew that was a lost cause, a question nobody here would ever be able to answer.

I haven't even seen myself in days, I suddenly realized. I went to the bathroom once today and there were no mirrors. Just toilets in a row with those old fashioned rope flushers. No privacy whatsoever.

I was so buried in confusion that I didn't even hear Elizabeth enter the room. In her hand was a large needle, the same one she had showed me the day before. The same one she threatened me with.

I tried to paste a calm expression on my face, but at this point, in this situation, that was pretty much impossible.

The nurse didn't say anything. From the open door behind her the hallway appeared to be pitch black, though screams still echoed through helplessly. With a flick of her hand, she stuck the needle into my arm. I didn't flinch, I felt like I was going into some kind of shock.

Is this how it feels to die a slow, painful death? I thought tiredly. To get tortured slowly?

As I slipped away into the darkness, I felt myself become disconnected with the real world. It was almost as if I was able to see the nurse giving me the needle. But in the scene, I was lying down on the hospital bed, strapped down, my face pale and drained of any life.

Is this how I look?

Then, the man's voice from the day before echoed over and over again in my mind.

"They'll poison you...and then nobody will know what really happened to you."

"When getting shock therapy everyday like me, you think things won't get worse. But they do. They get much worse."

And with the blink of an eye, I was passed out again.

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