- 9 - Officer and Lady

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Behind the casual acronym D.S. SEAD there was actually the pompous and extended title of the Department of Social, Economic, Actuarial and Demographic Studies, whose student and research body was, curiously, predominantly female.

The old three-story building that housed the department stood out among the others for the rich vegetation of palm trees and climbing ivy that shaded its entrance.

That Monday afternoon of a sunny first day of winter, Flavio crossed its familiar entrance gate, climbed to the third floor, walked along some short and narrow corridors and came out in a waiting room with dark plexiglass walls and door, framed by aluminum fixtures.

He tried not to peek beyond the limits of discretion at the attractive officer sitting in composed but feminine elegance on the couch and, feigning disinterest for that statuesque body cloaked by a spectacular and impeccable military uniform, he headed straight for the wall phone next to the door. He dialed the extension number of Professor Enrico Nasoni staring at the phone to avoid, on the dark plexiglass, the reflection of the girl in uniform behind him. At the receiver, when asked who he was, he identified himself: «Mancini».

«I'll call you» Nasoni told him, «make yourself comfortable, there's a bit of a wait.»

Without moving a step, Flavio sat down on the couch next to the door, finding himself facing the officer. He noticed that the girl had captain's insignia, then his eyes slid for a moment to her toned and slender legs, which in that sitting position were edged well above the knee by the uniform skirt. Flavio felt immediately punished for having succumbed to that indiscreet temptation: the girl was staring him straight in the eyes. Seeking escape from the heat that threatened to besiege his face, Flavio averted his gaze and turned his neck towards the potted plant that decorated a corner of the lounge.

The girl then leaned forward and asked him: «You... are Flavio, right?»

Flavio looked at her, made sure he had never met her before and wondered who had told her about him and whether there really was a conspiracy that watched over him and constantly interfered in his life. The captain smiled and was already getting up to shake his hand. Once standing, her skirt stretched and hid all those inches of leg that it was meant to conceal.

«Yes» Flavio replied reaching out his hand.

«I'm Cristina, a friend of Claudia's» she introduced herself.

To flatter Flavio it was enough to have her warm smile and her tone, amiable quite unlike the martial clothes she wore. Cristina's brown hair, neatly gathered behind her head, shone smooth and tight under her military cap. On her dark eyes and round cheeks brightened by an expression of cordiality, a light and formal makeup enhanced the delicate fineness of her features. Although Flavio's unusual height towered over her, Cristina's stature would have abundantly exceeded Claudia's. Her shapes, disciplinedly sculpted by regular workouts, highlighted a more mature sensuality than that of her friend.

«Claudia Felicetta?» Flavio wanted to make sure. Just by naming her his heart started beating faster while his thoughts already clouded a little.

«Yes, that's her, the architecture student. She talks about you a lot...» Cristina smiled suggestively.

Declarations of appreciation were rare in Flavio's life. He couldn't help but feel even more flattered. The sympathy and complicity that this girl he had just met was showing him came to bask him, without giving him a chance to resist, in the thought of the esteem that Claudia must have expressed to her about him.

Holding back his embarrassment, Flavio failed in his effort to mask his interest and urged Cristina to continue: «Really?»

The girl looked at him with affectionate and cheerful malice and, taking him casually by the arm, confided: «I shouldn't tell you this, but I think she's very interested in you, she keeps saying that you're a genius, that you're a talented guy, that you're the kind of person who has big dreams and projects...»

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