- 24 - The Italian Jobless

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It was getting dark, the weekend was almost over.

«Oui, j'ai bien compris...» Michela sighed exhausted.

She had spent the whole afternoon at Gianluca's with Flavia, but she was not at all sure that it would be enough for her to keep up with her French lessons.

«Come on, you just have to review the verb comprendre well and you're done» Gianluca encouraged her.

«Let's hope so... now I can't take it anymore, though. What do you say, Flavia, shall we go?»

«But it's early, you can stay here for dinner tonight» Gianluca suggested.

«It's a nice idea. Come on Michi, let's stay!»

Flavia had a nice day. She was beginning to feel comfortable in her new body and, although she hoped to become Flavio again as soon as possible, she didn't mind the way her new life was developing. Despite feeling anxious and impatient to go back to the future from which she had come, she was seizing the opportunity to spend time with friends, to live a more comfortable and cheerful adolescence than the one she was dealt as Flavio. She had just spent a day in the company of people who treated her with affection and considered her an integral part of their social life. That was a new experience.

«I'm sorry, I'm really tired» Michela reiterated, «but I don't want to ruin your evening, I can go by myself.»

«Are you sure you don't want to stay?» Gianluca insisted.

«Yes, today we did a lot. Another time, gladly. Thanks for the help, both of you.»

«As you wish, see you then» the host resigned himself.

«Yes, see you tomorrow at school. Behave yourselves...»

Michela said goodbye to her friends at the door and trotted down the stairs of the building.

«Behave yourselves? What did she mean?» Gianluca chuckled as he closed the door.

«Nothing, she always does that, she worries about me» Flavia replied, not paying much attention.

«You two are very close, huh?»

«Yes, for me she's like a younger sister, even though she treats me like an older sister would.»

Gianluca seemed happy that Michela had left so he could talk to Flavia about her.

«She admires you a lot.»

«You think?»

«It's obvious! And then, she's right, you're nothing like other girls.»

Flavia suddenly felt proud of her twenty-one and a half years of past life.

«And how am I different?»

Gianluca blushed and held his breath for a moment, embarrassed. Flavia however was too pleased to give weight to her friend's reaction.

«You're more mature than the other girls I know. You're a good friend, generous, intelligent... and you're a good girl.»

Flavia didn't know whether to be happy to have become a good girl. The forced sex change didn't sit well with her, at all.

«Good girl? Even though they caught me smoking in the bathroom during class time?»

«So, it was it true then?»

«What do you think?»

«You should have told the teacher, that you were feeling sick. Come on, we all saw you, green as you were!»

«Yeah, I was suffocating, I must have been overworked. Luckily it passed» Flavia remembered, as shiver went through her. She wondered if it was something that happened to Claudia too, or if it depended on the fact that she had take her body as a host.

Flavia felt that Gianluca had sensed how much the thing worried her.

«Michela was right, we did a lot today. How about we go out and grab something to eat?»

Flavia smiled. Even when she didn't feel like accepting their support, it was nice to have friends around.

«I don't have permission, nor do I have any money...»

«You're studying with me, I'll give you the permission and the money!»

Flavia didn't have the heart to take advantage of Gianluca's friendship and allowance. He had proven to be a loyal friend and had already been very helpful to her.

«No, I'm sorry. Let's do it another time, for real. Let me find a job and then I promise we can go have fun.»

«You worry too much...»

«Maybe, but I have to fix things. I can't wait to find this damn job.»

«Tell me about it...» Gianluca sighed, with such a low tone that he was barely audible.

Flavia didn't care, and returned home feeling that her responsibilities towards Claudia's life were extending more and more to the people around her.

Flavia didn't care, and returned home feeling that her responsibilities towards Claudia's life were extending more and more to the people around her

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