The Truth (4)

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Joes PoV:

So, Eva now knows about me and Rachel, but thinking about it I like Eva more than Rachel. I loved Rachel a lot while Eva was gone, but now the she's back I don't love Rachel as much. Why is life so confusing?

Zoes PoV:

Once I came home from a day full of meetings Eva was sat on the sofa alone, with Joe no where to be seen.

"Hes told you hasn't he?" I asked Eva.

"yeah, but I'm not really bothered."

"You are though, that's the thing. Joe used Rachel as a distraction from you, he loves you Eva. When you went back up north he cried for hours, then hooked up with Rachel a few days later."

"What? He loves me?"

"Yes, and its obvious. He hasn't seen Rachel once since you came back, its because he loves you more than Rachel!"

"Zoe, he loves Rachel and that's final!"

"Okay, sorry, I love you Eva."

"i love you too zozo!"

Evas PoV:

After my chat with Zoe, I decided to pack for Vidcon, as it was in 2 days. I didn't have a suitcase which was a problem so I asked Zoe if she had a spare one, luckily she did. So I packed everything I needed, and sat down on my bed and started scrolling through Twitter. I was reading things like:

'I can't wait to meet Eva at vidcon 😆'
'Whoop, I am so excited to meet you @/evaslife !!'

My viewers really knew how to cheer me up.

Joe's PoV

I heard Eva packing for vidcon in her room, once she had finished I slowly walked into her room, as I entered I couldn't hold back my feelings, so I burst into tears.

"Joe? What's wrong?" Eva sounded concerned.
"Rachel.. She broke up with me."
"Joe, why?" She said, pulling me in for a hug.
"She said that I didn't spend enough time with her, she said I hated her!"
"Shush Joe, there is plenty of other women who would love to date you!"
"Mmhhh." I said this, because I didn't want another woman, or Rachel, I wanted Eva.
"Joe, don't worry about it, being single can be good you know!" Eva said making me smile a bit.
"I know, I am just going to take my mind off the subject and relax"
"Okay, do you need help packing?"
"Yes please, but only if you are all packed, I don't want you not to be packed."
"Yeah, i'm all packed!"

I really needed to tell Eva how I feel but I can't, she's my BestFriend and I rent want to ruin the amazing friendship we have, I think it's a bad idea.

"Joe... JOE!" Eva shouted in my face, bringing me out of my day dream.
"Uh, what."
"I was talking to you and you zoned out." Eva said with a slight giggle.
"Sorry, what were you saying?"
"I said are you excited for vidcon?"

I decided to make a move I pulled Eva in for a kiss and surprisingly, she kiss me back.

Woooo I finally updated!!!! But I am going to Germany tonight do I might write some more on the bus, because I have writers block and now I have so many good ideas!!! BUT JOE MADE A MOVE WHOOOPPPPP!! Anway the characters name is Eva which is my name because me and Joe and married 😏 baiiii 💞
-Eva <3

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