Eva's PoV:
"I said, are you excited for vidcon?"
And with that Joe pulled me in for a kiss. It was a shock, but I kissed him back, his touch sent shivers down my spine. It seemed to last forever, but I pulled away with a smile on my face. There was an awkward silence until Joe spoke again.
"Yes E, I am." I smiled as he left the room with a cheeky grin on his face. I felt lonely without him now and I don't know why.
2 Days Later
My alarm woke me up, 5:00am. I snoozed for a bit longer until a very excited Zoe came running into my room.
"Yeah, I am excited but its five in the morning." Zoe grabbed my arm pulling me out of my bed and dropping me onto the floor.
Once I was fully awake I went downstairs for breakfast, I got some cereal and sat down next to Joe. when I had finish and washed up my dishes Joe pulled me too one side and spoke.
"Eva, you haven't been the same with me since the kiss, i'm sorry. Are you okay?"
"Joe, I haven't been feeling great over the last few days that's all."
"What, why, what's happened?"
"I've been getting a lot of hate comments recently that's all." A tear shed down my face but Joe wiped it away with his thumb.
"E, why didn't you tell me." His soft hand placed gently on my face.
"I don't know, but we need to get ready to go to LA."
Me and Joe both hurried upstairs and got ready for vidcon. I wore and burgundy oversized top with black skinny jeans and my white high top converse. For makeup I went simple with foundation, powder, a nude eye and lip. Once I was done I went downstairs and got in the taxi to the airport.
In the taxi Joe was sat next to me in the back, Zoe, Alfie and Louise in the middle and Caspar sat in the front. When we got the airport we all got checked in and went through security. When all the boring things were done we went shopping as we had 3 hours before we had to board our plane . During this time I had managed to meet a few viewers, get some new makeup and clothes and publically embarrass myself by falling over in forever 21. Luckily Joe was there to pull me back to my feet.
"Oh my days, that was embarrassing!"
"it was kind of cute." Joe said with a cheeky grin on his face . He was about to speak again before Zoe and the others came running over.
"Joe, Eva where have you both been, its time to board the flight."
We all walked towards our plane, myself and Joe skipping happily ahead, arms linked. Once we got on the plane we went to our seats, and surprise surprise, I was next to Joe, alone, all the others were a few rows ahead, great.
About ten minutes into the flight I put my head phones in a started listening to music, until Joe interrupted.
"What Joe?"
"Can we both listen to your music, I left my head phones at home?"
"Mmmmm, let me think!" I smiled "Of corse you can Joseph, as I am the best bestfriend the world could ever think of!"
He smirked and put in an ear bud. After about twenty minutes of listening to music I started to feel sleepy, I rested my head on Joes and slowly fell asleep.
Joes PoV:
After about twenty minutes of listening to music Eva feel asleep on my shoulder, she was so cute. Her blonde hair fell perfectly and she looking so calm and relaxed. But after a while I also began feeling tired, so I placed my head on Eva's and fell asleep.

My Best Friends Brother {j.s}
FanfictionZoe and Eva had been friends forever, but Eva has always liked her brother more than friends, will they be the perfect couple? Or will Eva telling JOE the truth be the worst choice ever?