Travelling to Vidcon! (6)

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Zoe's PoV:
I went to go and see how Eva and Joe were doing but when I got there Eva's head was on Joe's shoulder and his head was in hers, it was so cute. I decided to leave them and vlog some more.
(Zoes Vlog)
"so guys, we have been on the plane for about 5 hours now and Eva and Joe look so cute together look. *films Eva and Joe* I think Jeva will be Youtubes next biggest couple!! I'm joking guys, their not together! *Zoe laughs at the camera, looking back at Eva and Joe*"

Eva's PoV:
I woke up with Joe asleep next to me his hand on my leg. Me and Joe weren't even thinking of getting together, but I really liked him. His blue eyes, his smile, just everything. We were only five hours through the flight but I decided to pass some time by vlogging.
(Eva's Vlog)
"So have 3 hours left on the plane, and Joe has been asleep for most of the flight! *films Joe sleeping* he's great company"
(End of Clip)
As we had three hours left I decided to watch a couple of films, once I started watching the film I felt Joe moving beside me.
"Morning sleep head!" I giggled.
"how long was I asleep for?" He asked in his sexy morning voice.
"About five hours!"
"Wow, really? Oh my gosh." I laughed again.
About ten minutes of watching a film Joe decided he would be annoying by tapping my leg.
"Can I help you!?" I almost shouted.
"What ya watching?"
"The perfect man"
"So can I get back to watching it now?".
"Of course you can E, the bestest best friend." He said in a post British accent. I chuckled and got back onto watching the film.
I've he film was finished I decided that I would talk to Joe for the next hour, so I turned off the screen pane sat to face Joe.
"How can I help?"
"I am really nervous about Vidcon, I'm scared that no one comes to my meet-ups.
"E, you have millions of people who watch your videos, at least one of them will come, and if not, I will!" Joe said jokingly.
"Your funny." He grabbed hold of my hand, gripped it tightly and whispered,
"E, you'll be fine."

"Joe, I'm trusting you!"

"Good, you should!"

As the plane started to descend I started to get really nervous, Joe could tell so he held my hand. I gave him a weak smile and looked to the seat in front of me.


Hey guys! so I have just have reached 200 reads on this book which is insaneeee! I wanted to thank you all for reading and this is only chapter 6. Anyway this is a filler chapter because I didn't know what to write because I had really bad writers block :( but the next chapter will be really long because I am putting the whole of vidcon I one chapter because why not :) -e <3 

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