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Nova Mancini Point Of View:

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Nova Mancini
Point Of View:

I told everyone they could go home cause my baby needs me and could hear the little worry in his voice. They kept on asking questions about why leaving early just following my rules and being quiet. Walking out of the community center I bumped into somebody making me pick up my head.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh isn't the fake best friend"Sam says mugging me.

"Sam I don't have time for you, "I said walking away from her.

"Bitch mad scared," Sam said loud enough for people to hear like girl leave me alone already don't understand what happened to Sam but this isn't the same person. I just walked to my car and got in and drove off leaving her there looking stupid. I called Nardo so happy my phone connected to the car caused a chill.

"Bubba I'm almost on the way," I said.

"Take your time mamas, "Horace says wanting his lady to be careful even though he needs help with a baby boy.

"Okay baby," I said hanging up thinking about what have happened please god don't let any harm come to my baby or brother just be safe and sound.Amen.Pulling up to this old house or warehouse made sure to grab my gun walking outside my car.

"Bubba," I said calling out.

"Right here ma"Horace held onto a baby.

"Omg," I said grabbing the baby it was a boy he was just laughing and then looked at me.

"He's so cute must be hungry papa," I said rocking him.

"Ma somebody left him here, "Horace says feeling his pain because Horace mother was homeless until she found his dad.

"What do you want to do"I asked holding his.

"Adopt him, "He said.

"Okay," I said kissing him.

Horace Bianchi Point Of View:

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Horace Bianchi
Point Of View:

"Thank you ma," I said kissing Nova cause she just got started with her big project and now taking care baby is a lot of work.

"We got this Bubba "Nova says rewrapping his blanket then the letter fell out.

I picked it up and started reading it this was from a baby boy's parents.

"Hey if found Zahair didn't want him this wasn't right for me to have a baby and just want to have great life with my man"I read out loud just shaking my head.

"This so damn sad watch when finding this bitch"Nova says.

"Let's go home ma," I said walking out Tootsii had left because had other businesses to handle mostly his new album.

Things were going to change in our lives but take care of my son nobody going to touch my family...



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