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Horace Bianchi Point Of View:

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Horace Bianchi
Point Of View:

The family was everything to me at one point but what Herb did change everything for me he was my little brother we were blood but he change over time. Others told me to watch out for my brother but would never believe them.

"Baby you okay"Nova sat in my lap rubbing through my hair.

"Naw mamas just thinking about Herb," I said shaking my head.

"Do think the time for y'all to sit down and talk or just be distant from each other? "Nova asked me.

"I'm talking to him but if he comes sideways we have to get it on, "I said.

"We need to stop all this fighting in shit 'cause don't get us nowhere in life just talk things out like grown ass man baby," Nova says kissing me she got up not going to lie my baby looked mad good.

"Come here mamas," I said.

"Bubba I have to cook dinner before Zariah wakes up," Nova says.

"We got time," I said picking her up and laying her on the bed and opening her lace robe damn nigga was lucky I kissed every inch of her body making her shiver under my touch we locked there was just pure love.

Pulling down her panties and leaning down just eating baby girl taste like some sweet candy she kept moving trying to run away but she ain't go anywhere until I'm finished maybe give her another baby.

Pulling down her panties and leaning down just eating baby girl taste like some sweet candy she kept moving trying to run away but she ain't go anywhere until I'm finished maybe give her another baby

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Nova Mancini
Point Of View:

Nova fell into peaceful sleep cuddling under Horace body but they didn't know someone was watching their every move. The person had a plan it was time to ruin their little happy home.

"Horace baby let me up," I said getting from my sleep.

"Mama goes back to sleep," Horace says mugging me.

"Unt boy has to go cook and get my baby," I said.

"Mane whatever," He says turning over.

"Lil mad ass," I said laughing going into the bathroom to take a shower cause don't like smelling like sex chill have to keep my hygiene clean.

Sometimes miss having Sam in my life she was the only real friend I had but sometimes you would see people's true colors. Just wish the best for her. The pain I suffer from my father and my brothers never changes me as a person cause want my children to grow up lovingly.



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