𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 |17|

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"What the hell was that about?" He slams the front door shut and sets the keys down on the glass, oval shaped table.

I pull the jacket off of my body and hang it up on the rack with the other coats and hoodies. "I really don't know."

"Was that?" He paused, sensing this was going to be a difficult topic. "Your mother?"

I nod, remembering the look on her face as she rushed out the room and followed us, making a scene in the middle of the hospital.

He winces, I'm sure everyone in town knows the story. I mean, this town was small and there was nothing kept a secret here.

"I didn't know she was still in town."

"I didn't either." I always wondered and had thoughts where she went off too after she left us without a mother.

She left when I had just turned five. I had dreams she left us to go out in the world and fight the demons and dragons like from the books read to me.

At first I was happy, thinking wow, that's my mother, fighting to protect us all until I had gotten older and reality came knocking on my door with the harsh truth.

It happened when I turned ten. It was one of those days at school when you brought your parents to school.

My father couldn't make it due to work. And my mother, well, my mother, I told everyone she was off fighting demons to protect us.

I remembered the faint silence in the classroom. A kid, Ryan—the class bully, walked up to me and pushed me on the ground.

He crouched down and laughed in my face saying, dragons were real and that my mother had abandoned me, rather than being off fighting monsters, like the monster slayer I had thought she was.

I remember crying all night in my father's arms until I passed out due to exhaustion.

After that night, my dreams had turned dark and wicked.

I would have dreams that my mother had forgotten about us and started a family with someone else, completely forgetting about us and replacing us with a new family.

It seemed she didn't. She was here, in town where all her children lived. And, she was a doctor.

I knew she dropped out of college after she became pregnant with Juliet but it seemed she went back and got her degree.

It was weird, I was happy she was able to do what she wanted to do but sad at the same time she had abandoned us to do that.

Plus, there were also rumors she had left dad to be with someone else. I understand people break up all the time when they have fallen out of love, but why abandon the children?

I walked into the kitchen and opened the cabinet and reached for a glass cup before setting the cup down, sighing.

"That's right." I rubbed my temple, feeling the vein sticking out for the anger and sadness seeping out of me. "I can't drink because I'm pregnant." I paused, "Do you think she was telling the truth?"

He nods and reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the hospital papers. I take the papers and briefly scan them.

I sighed, it was right there in bold words, a positive blood pregnancy test.

Yet I couldn't believe it, me, a mother. I didn't know the first thing about being a mother.

And, I didn't know if I could do it.

My eyes welled up at that thought of not being good enough for this child slowly growing inside of me.

I broke down in sobs of tears.

"What the hell am I going to do Zade?" I glanced at him with my hands covering my face. "What the hell are we going to do? I mean it's a baby."

Quickly, he rushed over to me and wrapped his arms tightly around my body and hushed me, soothing me with comfort words until my body began to calm down, until the tears began to slowly dry.

He places his hand on my stomach, I glance down at his hand rubbing softly against my stomach and smile though my blurred vision.

"We can do whatever you want." He tries carefully, "If you want this baby then, I'm going to be with you every step of the way. And if you don't? I'm still going to be here with you. But remember, the choice is yours."

"I just can't." I weep, " I can't get rid of it, how would that be fair, to take away its life without even letting it get a chance to live. What kind of person would that make me?"

"Not a bad person if that's your thinking, a child isn't easy. But if you want this baby."

He pressed a kiss on the back of my head and I melted into the warmth, radiating off of his body.

"Then we're going to have this baby, and we're going to do it together."

My eyes watered more at the gentleness and kindness of him. Everytime I think he couldn't get better he does, he takes me by surprise and says the sweetest things in the worst situations.

"I want this baby." I said more confidently.

"And I." His hands rub against my stomach tenderly. "I want this baby too."

There are times when people say things you didn't know you needed to hear until those words slip past their lips.

I didn't know, and yet, my shoulders relaxed and the tension slowly left my body.

"Do you really want this? With me?"

He swallowed. "I do." I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"I don't think I'm going to be a good mom." I confessed.

He chuckled, "I think you're going to be a great mom."

"What did you base that on?"

He pulls me out of his arms and grins. "Your cooking."

I glare at him and then smile.

Follow me on ig @_itskrisbitch
Check out my other stories, tainted lies and play boy. There both revenge romances.

I have other books also, his sin my addiction is a forbidden romance and when it goes dark is a mystery/crime romance!

See you soon! Very soon! The next few chapters will be up soon! We are slowly reaching the end of this book ;(

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