Chapter 1*Percy

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She's gone. She's actually gone.

Sure we would joke about it like "what would you do if I was ever gone," kind of thing. But I'm not actually sure what I'm doing.

I don't feel anything, I should, but I don't. I'm just...numb.

I just miss her, I don't actually know what to do with my life. I don't come out of my cabin, except to visit her grave late at night. I don't eat, I don't do anything but stare at her picture and cry.

"Perc, c'mon bud, you gotta come out." I could hear Leo call.

I didn't say anything, only sunk furthure down the wall clutching a photo of Annabeth.

"Please Percy, we need you out here." I could hear Piper sniffle on the other side of the door.

"Percy, their suffering without you." Nico said from his place in the corner. He shadow traveled in there from time to time and was the only one from the quest I ever saw.

"I-I can-'t," I said looking up at him," i-it hu-hurts."

"I know Percy, trust me I know," Nico said," I lost my sister and my mom remember. I even cut, like you do now."

I looked down at all the little silver marks all up and down my wrist and looked back up at Nico.

"Please Perc," his voice cracked as he stepped back into the shadows.

Later that night I snuck out of my cabin as usual hoping to aboid anyone watching. I went to the Graveyard of heros, designed for anyone who died during the war against Gaea. I felt that I could have saved all these people, I knew it was stuiped, but with my fatal flaw I hated all the casualties.

I walked through the yard, following the same path I've been taking for five months now. I collapsed on my knees in front of Annabeth's grave and buried my head in my hands. I could feel the tears rolling down my face and let them flow freely.

"I really need you Annabeth, I wish you were here." I said between tears.

I sat at the grave for a while before getting up and looking through the grave yard at all my old friends. I stopped at one grave in particular, my first bestfriend here.

Grover Underwood.

I remember when he, um, passed. It had been right in front of Junipers tree by an angry Roman. Juniper had stayed in her tree for a whole month, not even talking to a whole month. I guess someone told her how bad my situation was because the next thing I kniw she was knocking on my door.

I really missed Grover, he and Annabeth were my first friends here at camp and now they are gone. I really need someone to talk to, and not that I don't trust the seven, but I need an old friend.

Snap! I heard someone step on a stick. "Who's there!" my voice called out.

A group of people stepped out of the woods. I noticed a human flag with a shield, a tin man, a girl dressed in black, robin hood, a nerd and goldilocks.

"Omg is it Halloween, or did you guys think you looked good?" Percy asked barely cracking a smile.

"Perseus Jackson?" the flag asked.

"Percy," I said coldly,"and ya that's me."

"No need for attitude little boy," the tin man said in a robotic voice.

"Watch who you call little, I've seen things that would make you piss your pants." I told them coldly.

The flag crossed his arms and I could tell he was raising an eyebrow under the mask.

"So who are you anyways?" I asked.

"We're the avengers."

625 words
So I'm sorry if it was bad and ya Percy's depressed...sorry? I know the covor for this story is terrible, but I'm really trying and it took me a while to do that.
Hasta Lavista my Unicorns
(That's what I'm calling you, deal with it.)

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