Chapter 11*Nico

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Everyone was rushing around trying to get to their next lesson, but I didn't see Percy anywhere. He had never come home from his moms apartment yesterday and he wouldn't stay there without IMing one of us.

"Chiron do you know where Percy is?" I asked walking up to him.

"You can IM his mom, but he's most likely still there." Chiron shrugged.

I nodded and raced back to my cabin and acted like I was going to send an IM. When I got there I sunk into the shadows and appeared in front of Sally's apartment complex.

I rushed up to her apartment and knocked on the door. She flung it open and smiled when she saw me standing there.

"Nico! How are you and what happened?" she smiled.

"I was just worried about Percy since he never came back to camp after yesterday." I told her.

She frowned," actually about Percy, well you might want to sit down first."

I frowned and sat down on her couch. I noticed Paul in the kitchen talking on the phone and he gave me a little wave when he saw me.

"So Percy was walking back with a friend yesterday and they were ambushed by Oceanus, Tartarus and a Norse God named Loki." Sally said," they threatened my life and his friends and he went with them."

"Oh that Kelp Head. Oceanus hates him so now I'm super worried." I told her." I'll have to report this to the council. Do you have any more information."

"No, but if you go to Stark towers and ask for a man named Steve he shoud be able to gove you more." Sally smiled," please return my baby home safely Nico."

I nodded and thanked her for the information and left headind towards Stark towers.


I walked up to Stark towers and looked atthe massive tower in front of me. They sure didn't have towers like these back in the fourties.

I walked inside and up to the woman at the front desk. "Hi, can I speak to a Steve?"

"I'll call him down here, what's your buisness with him if you don't mind me asking?" she questioned.

"I'm friends with a friend of his. He wnt missing and I was hoping he had details," I shrugged.

She smiled," so I see you know Percy."

I smiled," so they told you?"

She laughed," Tony will tell me anything. I'm his girlfriend, I deserve to know."

I focused on her words and a thought suddenly accured to me at those words.

It was back in the fourties and the war had just ended. My sister was walking me home from school, not being threatened by the war.

"I feel he's hiding something from me Nicolaus." she complained about her new boyfriend.

"He doesn't have to tell you everything," I laughed.

"Ya but I'm his girlfriend, I deserved to know," she pouted.

I rolled my eyes at her antics and she sighed.

"You'll understand one day Nicolaus. When you find your love you'll understand." Bianca smiled at me.

I thought about her words as I waited for Steve. I thought I found love with Percy, but when he lost Annabeth I let him go. I started looking at a certain blue eyed, blonde haired son of Apollo.

The only probem was he probably not gay. The Aphrodite cabin shipped us and I knew it just wasn't going to happen.

Maybe I would never find love, maybe I woud never know what my sister ment.

"Umm are you okay?" a man asked me.

"Are you Steve?" I asked him.

He nodded.

"I need details on Percy, his disapearence to be exact," I told him.

"Maybe we should go outside or something." Steve suggested.

I followed him into the park where snow had begun to fall.

"How the Hades did Percy wear shorts and a t-shirt in this weather?" I wondered out loud.

Steve laughed," I never caught your name."

"Nico Di Angelo." I told him," and yours?"

"Steve Rogers," he shrugged.

"No way!" I fanboyed," the Steve Rogers, as in super soldier from the fourties. You''re my idol!"

"How do you know me?" he asked confused.

"Let's just say you're not the only one out of time," I smiled.

"Now about Percy."

719 words
So I'm really trying to keep this up, but my parents are around me a lot more because it's summer. I'm trying hard, don't worry.
Until next time Unicorns ✌

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