Chapter 22*Annabeth

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Dedicated to Astrid_Jackson
The answer to the QOTC was Frank.

I watched as Rachel whispered into Percy's ears and he smiled at what she said. I felt something blossom inside my chest, but I knew Rachel was only his friend.

"Hey what are you guys talking about?" I asked sitting next to them.

"I was telling Percy about the time Connor got stuck in the canoe at camp and sat in there for the whole day." Rachel shrugged.

"Oh ya," I laughed," and then Clarrise took a picture of it."

Percy just looked at me wierdly and shook his head," just no, the moments already gone."

I looked at him and found him talking with Rachel again.

I stood up and went over to where Silena was standing by the stables.

"Am I being replaced?" I asked her.

She frowned," no, but from what I got from my dreams when he was depressed he would visit her cave a lot of times after visiting your grave. I guess they just became best friends. Percy doesn't actually like her like that."

"How do you know this?" I asked stunned.

"Daughter of Aphrodite, duh," she said like it was the stupidest question.

I nodded and looked at the Pegasus she was grooming. I recognized him as the black stallion obsessed with donuts, also known as Blackjack.

"Hi Blackjack." I said stroking his mane," and no I don't have donuts."

His head seemed to go down as if he was disapointed by this. I laughed and patted his muzzle once more.

"I've gotta go find Clarrise." Selina said," will you give Blackjack that donut for me?"

I nodded and picked the donut up off the table. Blackjack looked at me with wide eyes as I twirled the donut around my finger.

"You want this, don't you?" I tempted him.

He whined and when I put the donut near him he almost took off my finger to eat the donut.

"I'll see you later," I told him.

I walked out of the stables bumping into someone on my way out. I felt the ground hit my head and opened my eyes to see Percy's friend Grace on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Grace right?" I asked.

"Ya," she nodded," and it's my fault anyways, I shouldn't have been reading."

"So I've been wanting to asky you something, but I've never seen you." I told her," how did you end up meeting Percy?"

"Let's just say I saw him at his worst." Grace said," he was captured by Tartarus and tortured for an Earth year and so was I, but for twenty and we met that way."

"How did you get out out? And what do you mean 'Earth year?'" I asked her.

"I'm not sure, all I know is Percy was talking to Tartarus and next thing I know we're teleported to the middle of no where. Every one year on Earth is a hundred years in Tartarus." Grace explained.

"A hundred years!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, you were down there before." Grace pointed out.

"It was different, it was only like two days ahead. Tartarus must've changed the rules, it is him after all." I shrugged.

She shrugged," well I've got to finish this book, see you later?"

I smiled," definitely."

She rushed off towards the Zeus cabin with Divergent in her hands and I smiled remembering when I read the books.

I walked to the forge in the hopes of finding Leo or Beckendorf. When I walked in there I found Leo annoying that one Avenger guy Tony and Beckendorf just rolling his eyes.

"Leo stop hasseling him," I scolded.

"But he's amazing, he was telling me how he built his suits and the arc reactor and it was just pure genious!" Leo exclaimed.

"It was fascinating, but now they won't shut up." Beckendorf said.

"I take offense to that." Tony said.

"I don't care," Beckendorf shrugged.

"Well let me tell you-" Tony said getting interuppted.

"Guys!" Katie yelled running to the forge." Get your armor on."

"What's going on Katie?" I asked.

"We're under attack."

684 words
So this was more of a filler chapter. If you haven't checked out my other book please do so.

QOTC: What was the first dam joke to be made in the Titans curse?

Peace out Unicorns ✌

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