4 ☆ fake dating

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"So how is everyone hooking up if the kids are constantly here," I asked Tyler

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"So how is everyone hooking up if the kids are constantly here," I asked Tyler. We were walking towards the dining hall together for lunch. I had forgotten my phone in the cabin and Tyler had offered to go back with me to get it much to Hayden's disappointment. He had offered but I chose Tyler instead.

"The kids are gone on the weekends. Most of the kids live close by so their parents pick them up on the weekends," he explained. "That's when everything happens. You'd know if you read the camp handbook."

I glared at him playfully. I guess that made sense. I definitely just skimmed the handbook.

I should probably read it fully later today before the kids arrive tomorrow.

"So how was Hayden's conversation?" I asked, genuinely interested.

Tyler smirked at my question and I just raised both my hands up in surrender.

"What? I'm just curious!" I said, pushing him slightly.

"You're going to have to ask him that yourself," Tyler said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. After last night, we had gotten much closer and he told me he considered me one of his best friends now. I found that heartwarming even though we had one decent conversation.

"But we're like barely friends," I responded, pouting.

"Get to know him," he said. "He might surprise you."

"I doubt it," I rolled my eyes. I knew what he was.

An asshole and a player.

"That's surprising," Tyler muttered once we reached the dining hall again. I follow his line of vision to the table all our friends were sitting at already.

Chantelle was sitting right next to Hayden and everyone was laughing at something that Jordan was saying.

"I guess their conversation went well," I replied, feeling slightly disappointed.

"Try not to sound too sad about that," Tyler teased, chuckling at my response.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Why do you seem so okay with it?"

"I guess I'm over her," he shrugged, smiling to himself.

"There you are!" Rose said, patting the seat next to her once Tyler and I reached the table. I slid into the spot next to her and glanced up to see Hayden already looking at me. He had an indifferent look on his face this time. This was different compared to his flirty winks and smirks he gave me before Chantelle arrived.

Tyler slid next to me, looking over at Chantelle and giving her a small smile in which she returned.

"Hi, I don't think we've met," I said, introducing myself to Chantelle. "I'm Stella."

"I'm Chantelle," she responded, offering me a smile. "Nice to meet you."

I smiled in return. A few moments later I felt Tyler wrap his arm around my shoulders. I turned my head to look at him and raised an eyebrow, silently asking what he was doing. He just shrugged, indicating that he would explain later.

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