9 ☆ the pier

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"So who was the guy I saw you flirting with at the bonfire?" Rose asked, nudging me teasingly

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"So who was the guy I saw you flirting with at the bonfire?" Rose asked, nudging me teasingly. She was sitting on the floor looking at the mirror while putting on her mascara.

"This guy named Lucas," I told her, smiling at the memory of him. Although I didn't get his number or anything, I'm sure I would run into him around camp eventually.

It was a small camp so I was hoping for it.

"Aren't you with Tyler?" Fran asked, a confused look on her face.

We were currently getting ready to go get ice cream on the pier. Our friend group planned on going to the board walk near the ice cream parlor after because we all had permission to leave camp for the day. The kids were coming back tonight around 7pm so we had to be back before then in time for their arrival. The weekend felt super short and I wasn't sure whether or not to feel happy or sad that it was ending so soon.

"Oh we broke up," I told her. I wanted to tell her about our breakup before we told the rest of the group because she was the one I felt most guilty about lying to. "We didn't have romantic feelings for each other and we both agreed that we would be better as friends. There's no hard feelings at all."

Fran nodded, understanding what I was saying because she probably saw there was no real romantic chemistry between Tyler and I. I felt like anyone could see that he was purely just a friend.

"We were planning on telling the others later but I wanted to tell you first," I added, taking out my outfit for the day out of my closet. I decided to wear a simple pale yellow sundress because it was going to be hot out and it seemed to fit the vibes of a pier.

"Thanks for telling me. I knew something was up when I never saw you guys doing any PDA!" Fran exclaimed, slamming her closet door with her outfit in hand. "So tell us about Lucas!"

"He's so cute! I met him at the bonfire and we almost kissed," I started, trying to recollect the events of the night before. I was lucky I didn't get a hang over from drinking last night because I didn't remember a lot of what happened. "I didn't get his number or anything but he's a counselor here so I'll probably run into him again sometime. I hope I see him soon."

"From what I saw, he was cute but I was also pretty far away," Rose added. "What was up with Hayden though? I saw he interrupted you guys and he looked pretty upset."

I shrugged. "He said he was looking out for his friend because he thought Tyler and I were still together but we broke up before that."

Fran rolled her eyes. "Excuses."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was everyone having ominous interpretations of Hayden's actions?

I decided not to push further because she would tell me if it was something I actually needed to know.

A part of me was still curious though.

☆ ☆ ☆

"So Stella and I have decided to break up. It was mutual and we are still good friends," Tyler brought up once were sitting outside the ice cream parlor after getting our ice cream cones. "We will not be answering any questions at this time."

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