7 ☆ cabin competition day

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Today would be cabin competition day

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Today would be cabin competition day. We would be paired with a different cabin to compete with all the other teams. The winner of the competition would win a mini fridge for their cabins which everyone was dying for since it was so hot here.

Our cabin was paired up with Tyler and Hayden's cabin which I was dreading. Of course out of 13 other cabins, they would be one of the cabins we would get paired with.

Just my luck.

"Okay, the first challenge will be a relay obstacle course," Kennedy announced to everyone. "Each person on your team will stand at each of the flags. There should be 12 flags in total. Only the kids will be participating. Your counselors will be your cheerleaders today. You guys can strategize the order in which you will be placed throughout the obstacle course. This is all about team work and team building. Each team will go one by one and will be timed. Whichever group completes the obstacle course in the shortest about of time will win mini fridges for each cabin! Good luck! You have 5 minutes to discuss your strategy and come up with a team name with your team. We will be collecting team names and drawing from a hat once your 5 minutes are up."

"Okay, so obviously we will have the girls first and the boys go last because we need the fastest people at the end to make up for the slower people," Joseph was the first to speak up once we huddled together.

I noticed that all of the girls rolled their eyes at the subtly misogynistic comment.

"Absolutely not," Taylor said, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes in return. I could tell these two did not like each other. "We should spread out the slower and faster people throughout the obstacle course. The ones who play sports should be spread apart so they aren't right after each other."

"Okay, good plan. So who plays sports?" Francesca asked, scanning the group.

Joseph, James, Jasmine, Taylor, and, Danielle raised their hands.

"Okay, everyone else can line up between these people to make everything more spread out," Francesca instructed. "Now for the team name. Any ideas?"

"What about team Gemma?" James offered with a huge smile. He glanced over at Gemma with a hopeful look on his face.

Aw, he just wanted some validation from her.

She blushed at his comment and tried to hide her face behind her hands. Jasmine snorted at the interaction before saying, "What about the Best team?"

"That's a good idea," Hayden said, nodding his head as he thought about the name.

It wasn't the most creative but it would do.

"It's good that we are manifesting being the best so we can win," Rose piped up, giggling to herself. "That's a good idea."

"Okay so Best team it is," I said, taking a pen out of my pocket to scribble down our team name on the piece of paper that was given to us.

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