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A few days into camp, I realized that I was a little bit homesick

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A few days into camp, I realized that I was a little bit homesick. I hadn't talked to my mom on the phone since I got here and I was feeling a little bad about it.

I was relieved to hear she had time to talk today because I was really missing her voice. She was all I got now.

"So tell me about all your friends that you've made!" Mom demanded excitedly on the phone.

I was lying on my stomach in my bed while Rose and Fran were hanging out with the boys. The kids had gone to sleep for the night so I didn't have to worry about having to watch them while talking to my mom.

"Well I'm living with Rose and my other roommate is named Francesca and she goes to Bridgewood. She's super sweet and we all quickly became friends. She's dating a boy named Jordan and he has friends named Tyler, Jake, and Hayden. Tyler is pretty cool, he's quickly become one of my closer friends here. Hayden goes to Starrymont too and he's chill, I guess," I quickly explain to my mom.

"Hayden as in Sabrina Carter's son?" Mom asked.

"Mom, I don't know the name of his parents but maybe. Why? Do you know her?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. I had forgotten that we lived in a small town where everyone knew each other. I really hoped she was thinking of the wrong person though.

"We work together. She's the VP of our company," she explained.

"Oh that's cool! That might be Hayden's mom then," I nodded. That was very possible. I knew Hayden's family was rich.

I didn't really feel like talking about Hayden anymore because he hadn't talked to me all day. It felt like he was mad at me for some reason.

I usually told her about all the gossip that was going on at school when I was home and she always listened with mild interest.

I told her about everything going on at camp and the drama between the kids.

"Oh yeah and I met a boy. We're going on a date tomorrow," I brought up, suddenly remembering Lucas.

"Oooh exciting. What's his name? What's he like?" Mom fired questions at me.

I shifted my position in bed so that I was lying on my back now.

Ah that's more comfortable.

"Well his name is Lucas and he's very nice and sweet. I think you'd like him."

"Sounds like a nice boy. I trust your judgement. I'd like to meet him when things get serious," Mom teased.

"Yeah yeah," I laughed.

"It's getting late. I have to sleep now because I have an event early tomorrow morning. It was nice to catch up a little, sweetheart," Mom said softly. "I love you."

"It was nice talking to you too, Mom. Love you too! Goodnight."

"Goodnight, little one."

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