Writer's Log 56

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Sometimes I catch myself smiling when someone truly has their peace, even if they may have disabilities. Someone defined "normal" as living the best way you possibly can, and sometimes the people we think as "different" may experience a greater sense of peace than most of us can imagine.
Maybe I'm overthinking this, I know this world is not kind to anyone. Maybe thinking that people with disabilities might have hidden advantages might get me canceled somewhere. Maybe I've hung out with too many unsavory individuals, to the point I can relate to them.

Maybe I'm just strange like that.

Status report:
Sonar reports no contacts.
Radar reports no contacts.
Known losses thorough the night: One.
Stella G-.
One survivor. None confirmed dead.

On Saturday, May 20th, at approximately 2130 hours, emergency services were called for an unresponsive 80-year-old female. She was transported hospital, presenting to the emergency room unresponsive, and with O2 saturation fluctuating between the 90 and 70 range. Upon further examination, it was discovered there was a buildup of food particles in her lungs, basically causing her to asphyxiate. She was choking on her food that went down the wrong pipe. She was promptly intubated, sedated, and treated for her injuries. She is now in stable condition, on a ventilator, a feeding tube, and is gently coming off of being sedated. We are making daily trips to ensure she is okay, but her health is not the best. Recovery is not optimistic at her age and condition, but we are aiming for her to recover in as many respects as possible.

Later today is my brother G-'s graduation. Technically, at this point, he has finished all his classes and is therefore a freshman in high school. Now we have a freshman and a sophomore in the house. At least the worst is over, and a much-needed vacation can truly begin, as I was tasked with logistics. Apparently, I am one of only three (technically four) drivers with credentials for mass transport of personnel. Go figure. But, after tomorrow, I will return to "standby" duties, and should actually have time to catch up on sleep and my own personal projects and recreation. Apparently, I brought the war back home a little, and we're still adjusting to the ceasefire.

I have been working to try and reorient myself for WOH. While I haven't gotten much in the way of actual writing, I'm working on getting my events in order, covering everything I want to cover, and generally getting back into the zone. The residual stressors have not been helping, and things back in HQ have not been any less exciting than at Chico. I am looking forward to rereading where I left off, and finally moving forward with the story we all have been looking forward to. God and Uncle Sam willing.

Also, I would like to pay respects to Candidragoness' loss of her bird. As a bird owner myself, who has lost more than necessary due to terrible and preventable circumstances, I understand. Losing a family is never fun. And... I might be desensitized at the moment because I have lost more family within these past few months than anyone else has, but I can at least still pay my respects.
I'm sorry for your loss Candid. I wish you didn't have to go through this. Nobody deserves to go through this. What else can I say except... I'm sorry.
And to those continuing to harass her about (by definition) stealing her original, copyrighted characters, under Copyright Law of the United States, Chapter: Copyright Infringement and Remedies; Candid has the right to not only control who and what she creates for other people as her own intellectual property (choose to commission, trades, etc.), but she also has the right to sue for any damages caused by said copyright (profits, means of reproducing works, and attorneys fees)! Not to mention (at least here in California) under the California Code Of Civil Procedure, Part 2, Title 7, Chapter 3 Injunction, Harassment may be defined as "a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, or harasses the person, ... serves no legitimate purpose. The course of conduct ... would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actually cause substantial emotional distress to the petitioner." Considering the totality of the situation (as a layperson with some law experience, do not consider this legal advice, please consult your local laws) the people continuing to harass Candid for artwork are already in grey territory.
While Jake "from Statefarm" is not a civil lawyer, 777th HQ believes that a case could be made should Candid want to make it. But then again, we're all up in arms at the moment. Making decisions during times of stress, even if you are adapted or trained, is never an ideal situation. I'd recommend gathering more information, giving a day to consolidate, and then making a decision from there.

And speaking of Jake, I got a report from him a while back regarding the NovelWW situation. Apparently, a certain high-ranking flag officer disliked having someone lead a clandestine cyber warfare operation against a foreign body. Needless to say, I took the pay cut in spades, and the operation was unfortunately terminated. However, our efforts did catch the eye of Interpol. While I am not in the loop anymore, I heard at least one other cyber task force is also going after NovelWW, and some efforts have been made. At least, I can't find it on Safari or Google at the moment. Victories, at least.

As for now, I have a lot that's still going on. Once all my duties and responsibilities have been completed, I can begin to rest and recover. From there, I will start work on my projects in earnest, hopefully, either tomorrow or in the coming days. The future is hopeful.

Stay safe, stay healthy,
Take care.

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