Writer's Log 98

24 0 0

Status report:
Sonar reports two contacts. One bearing 098, range 500; the other 090, range 600.
Radar reports two contacts. One bearing 090, range 600. One bearing 098, range 500.
S2 reports two contacts staging for an attack. Infantry plus armor. Unknown contingent of field artillery.
No known losses thorough the night.

Well... at least I can say I haven't been idle this past week. I'm starting this log at 2340 hours and I want to publish this before Monday, so minor speedrun I guess.

Everything and everyone has been doing well. This past week has been one of the easier ones, of course still with its exciting moments. I apparently made friends with the local Chipotle near the FOB, they saw me walk in when there was quite a long line, but they knocked out my order and sent me on my way. It was very much a welcome surprise, especially running off of two hours of sleep and the last sip of coffee four hours ago. I genuinely cannot express how much gratitude and respect I have for them holding the line in their own way. Hearts and minds, there is a reason to treat the people who serve you well.

I have gotten some more work on WOH. And I also got my hands on The Good Shepard by C.S. Forester, you might know it as the inspiration for one of my favorite movies: Greyhound. I've so far made it through the introductory chapter, but hopefully, it will give me more information on these old WW2 destroyers, hunting U-boats, and another point of view at sea. However, I already read almost 40 pages of paperwork a day, not including classwork, so I doubt progress reading will be very rapid. Still.
I've been slowly picking apart the visuals for The Battle of Jade Mountain. I think I have all the major engagements planned out, so now I get to play wargames and work with the units I have. Fun.

This will be the primary engagement

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This will be the primary engagement. The main Japanese attack force comprising of four rifle platoons, and the armor platoon; supported by two LMG sections, mortars (not depicted), and infantry guns (not depicted). Marvin (South) and Travers (North), will be supported by long-range machine-gun fire from McManus (not depicted), as well as Grace and other dragons performing strafing attacks.

 Marvin (South) and Travers (North), will be supported by long-range machine-gun fire from McManus (not depicted), as well as Grace and other dragons performing strafing attacks

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This will be the first of two light AA emplacements. Both are secured by only one rifle squad, but they still pose a major threat after the initial battle to Allied air forces.

 Both are secured by only one rifle squad, but they still pose a major threat after the initial battle to Allied air forces

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The second AA gun. This one will be notable with plenty of forest fighting, more of a crawl through the valley. Marvin and Travers will be approaching from the south.

After the AA guns, McManus will rejoin Marvin and Travers to take the artillery positions, starting with this mortar firebase

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After the AA guns, McManus will rejoin Marvin and Travers to take the artillery positions, starting with this mortar firebase. Even though it is also only guarded by a single rifle squad, they are quite well entrenched and prepared to fight.

 Even though it is also only guarded by a single rifle squad, they are quite well entrenched and prepared to fight

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The infantry gun firebase is the last and most heavily defended position. An entrenched rifle platoon, plus a machine-gun to the defense; while 1st section has to cross the river approaching from the northwest. And while Grace and other dragons are free to provide fire support now, the trees make it difficult to maneuver.
I want to add another Goldman v. Marvin/Grace fight scene between attacking the infantry Gun base, that might even warrant the next chapter. It's all still in the planning phase.

Lastly, I caved. I added a new short in the Temp Folder. The Bravo plan for WOH is getting its own story eventually, I got it planned out. Wings Of Honor: Deciding Destiny: Broken Arrows (DD:BA) follows one of the suggestions the members of my Discord gave on how to resolve some of the problems to be encountered. I couldn't just let those ideas go to waste, so while it isn't in the main series of books, the Bravo Plan gets its own spinoff timeline and mini story arc. I will just warn you that a lot more of our friends die in the Bravo Plan, this one isn't going to have the happiest ending.

Otherwise, all is good. I managed to recover some sleep before the next week. Iran's launching drones and missiles at Israel again. Can't wait to sit through those calls again. We're still hanging in there.

Stay safe, stay healthy,
Take care.

P.S. Darn. So close. Also, Muddy is an Aussie. I'm going to bed.

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