Chapter 5. Opening up

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I woke up to see complete white. Was I dead? I tried to sit up but felt a sharp pain in my stomach, making me lay back down immediately.

Jahoon: Ow!

I hissed in pain. Maybe I wasn't dead after all?

Chaehyun: Jahoon!

I looked to my left side to see Chaehyun stand up from the chair she was sitting on, she looked at me with much worry as well as surprise like I had just woken up from the dead or something. She helped me sit up. I noticed tears began rolling down her cheeks. I was confused as to why she was crying. It is not like we have known each other for a long time or anything.

Jahoon: Why are you crying?

Chaehyun threw her arms around my neck as she hugged me tightly like she was scared to lose me or something. I was confused but I just let her do her thing. She was quite upset after all.

Chaehyun: You stupid! I thought that you were going to die! I... I thought that I was going to lose you!

Chaehyun sniffed as she tried to prevent her tears from falling anymore. She pulled away, giving me a clear view of her now red and puffy eyes and her running nose. I looked around trying to get a hint of my whereabouts.

Jahoon: Where am I? What happened?

Chaehyun: You don't remember what happened? You helped me from a group of guys that wanted to sexually harass me. You got hurt in the process. You are at the hospital right now.

Jahoon: The hospital?

I looked at Chaehyun as she nodded. I began to panic a bit. I couldn't stay here any longer or else I won't have money for either food or my apartment.

Jahoon: I can't stay here any longer! I have to go!

I pulled out the IV from my hand and all the other tubes, trying to get up on my feet. Chaehyun tried to push me back down to sit on the bed, preventing me from leaving.

Chaehyun: What are you doing?! You can't leave yet! You are still weak and hurt from the knife attacks!

Jahoon: I can't! I... I can't stay here...

I sat back in a bit of defeat as I looked at Chaehyun. She looked at me with sadness as well as a bit of confusion about why I was acting like that.

Chaehyun: I really don't want you to leave yet. You are not that strong yet to get discharged. Even the doctors said that you were lucky to survive from all of the wounds that you endured. They even said that it was best for you to recover for about two days before you could get discharged. You are still weak. I don't want you to suffer in pain and then eventually get worse than you are now if I let you get yourself discharged earlier than recommended. You really have to give me a good reason for me to let you get discharged before time. I'm really worried about you.

Chaehyun placed her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me with a determined look as well as with a kind of scolding look. I sighed as I looked elsewhere than at Chaehyun. I really didn't want to tell her the reason but I knew that I wasn't going to get anywhere without telling the truth since there was no lie I could tell to make her let me go. I looked back at Chaehyun with another sigh.

Jahoon: I can't stay here... I don't... have any money to be here.

Chaehyun: What do you mean? What about your parents or is there anyone close to you that I can call? The nurses said they have tried to call a next of kin to you but they didn't find anyone in the system to call.

Jahoon: I don't have anyone. There is basically no one who wanted me

Chaehyun: Then I will be your next of kin. I will pay all of your hospital bills.

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