Chapter 10. I won't stop

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I woke up preparing myself for another school day but I was surprised when I walked outside of my apartment to see Chaehyun and the rest of the girls waiting for me.

Jahoon: One, what are you guys doing here? And two, how did you guys find out where I live?

Yeseo: We wanted to walk all together to school and thought you should join us too!

Bahiyyih: And for your other question, it was too easy to find your address. You should protect yourself online.

Mashiro: That is not how it went. We asked Eunbi unnie for your address yesterday when we visited the convenience store yesterday.

Mashiro shook her head. We began walking to school and arrived to see people whispering with each other in groups. We all looked at each other confused but continued with our lives as normal. A small group of students came over to us while we were standing in front of our lockers to get our books. They looked around nervously before talking to us.

Student 1: We really shouldn't be talking to you guys right now, especially you Jahoon, and Chaehyun but....

Student 2: Stop beating around the bushes and hurry up telling them!

Student 3: There are rumors going around that Kazuha is planning something bad against you guys, mostly against Chaehyun and Jahoon for kind of "embarrassing" her in front of everyone. But what she has in plans is unknown.

Student 1: You guys should be careful. We have to go now because she has gone mad and is also targeting people who are trying to talk to you guys.

They left in a hurry as they looked around, hoping that they had not been caught by Kazuha. The girls looked at each other with a bit of worry as well as anger to hear all of this. I felt my blood boiling with the seconds that passed by. I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands into fists, trying to contain my anger but I could feel that I was on the verge of bursting and punching something. How dare she do something like this?! Not only trying to hurt the people that I care about but also everyone else who tries to talk to us! All of this was just because I didn't return her feelings and because I decided to be with Chaehyun instead of her. It was not like I wouldn't have been her friend but if she acts like this who in their right mind would?! I was about to find her when I felt someone grabbing my hands. I looked to see Chaehyun holding my hands and rubbing her thumbs against them, trying to calm me down. She hugged me and held me tightly.

Chaehyun: Don't. Please don't. I don't want you to get in trouble.

Jahoon: How can I? How can I not do anything when she is acting like this? If I don't do anything then she won't stop! I don't want you or the other girls to get hurt.

I looked at her deflated. I could see sadness in her eyes but she was affirmed on her decision. I sighed and nodded, going with her. If that is what she wanted then I would go with it but I assure you that if Kazuha or her friends ever tries to come too close or tries anything stupid to either Chaehyun or the girls then she will be sorry for it.

For most of the day, neither Chaehyun, the girls nor I have seen either Kazuha or her group of friends. But it didn't stop the other students from being scared. They still continued to keep their distance from every one of us and kind of kept looking over their shoulders. I walked inside my next class alone and to my anger, Kazuha was sitting inside. She noticed me and had a smug flirty smile on her face as she waved her fingers at me. I just ignored her and tried to contain myself from not jumping on her. I walked over to the only other free seat which was in the back of the class beside another student. As soon as I sat down, the other students quickly gathered their things and moved seats. I sighed and ignored it until I felt someone wrapping their arms around my arm and pulling themselves closer to me, leaning their head at me. I didn't have to turn my head to know who it was.

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