Chapter 7. Not you

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Being in school there were some lessons that I didn't have with any of the other girls. Which meant that I was back to my usual self of being unapproachable and not really caring about anyone or anything. One of those classes was the science class. Unfortunately today, that was the first class of the day. I walked inside the classroom with my earphones in and just completely ignored everyone as I sat in my usual seat which was quite far behind but not completely if you know what I mean. As usual, I just stared out of the window and listened to music until the teacher walked inside the classroom and began teaching.

Teacher: Alright everyone! Before I begin today's class, I would like to introduce a new student that will be joining us from now on. Please come in!

I heard the door to the classroom open and people, mostly the boys, beginning to make some noises. I just huffed at them for being too noisy and annoying right now. They are all really too unbelievable. Why in the hell would they need to be this loud for another person? It's too annoying. I put my earphones back in and put the music on to drown out all of their noises. Suddenly I felt someone lightly tapping me on my shoulder. I turned my head to look in annoyance but tried not to let it be evident on my face. A girl, that I have never seen before, was sitting beside me with a gentle smile on her face. She was beautiful, I had to admit and I kind of understood why the others would cheer but on the other hand not. Also, there is no one in this world who is more beautiful than Chaehyun. I took one of my earphones out and raised an eyebrow at her.

???: Nice to meet you~ My name is Kazhua. I hope that we can be good friends.

She held her hand out for me to shake. I looked at it and back up at her face before turning my head back to look out of the window. I wasn't really in the mood or wanted to make any other friends. I just ignored her but unfortunately for today's class, we had to work together in a group of two. This was also going to be our group for our first group assignment/project of this year's class. We weren't able to choose our own groups, not like I had someone to choose in this class after all but we were all paired with our seatmate. That meant that I had to work with a new girl that I don't even know of. Also, I didn't even know if she even is good on the subject or not compared to the older students. This is going to be the worst project ever.

Kazhua: What do you think we are going to do with this task?

Jahoon: I'm not sure but the quite obvious thing is to do a bit of research about the topic. Then we can easily plan out what we have to do and how we are gonna do it so we use our time efficiently. Then we can probably be done before time and not have to worry more about it.

Kazuha nodded excitedly as she began looking up stuff about the topic of our project. We moved from the classroom to the library since we needed some books so we decided to stay there. But from time to time, I would notice Kazuha staring at me. She would look away as soon as she noticed that I caught her. What was even more confusing is that she would try to get close with me but also from time to time keep her distance as she was trying to show that she was not desperate or something. And it was not only during that lesson but also with all of the other lessons that we had together. She would always try to sit beside me whenever the seat beside me was free, though it was all the time since no one other than Chaehyun and her group of friends, who now also have become mine, would sit beside me. It was not only me that noticed the weird behavior from Kazuha. Also, all of the other girls noticed it.

Daeyeon: Have you made a new friend or something? Seems like you have gotten a new friend to replace us.

Youngeun: Or more like a stalker. Why else would she cling to you the whole time that it is possible?

Jahoon: She probably doesn't have any friends and since I'm the first person that she has ever talked to in this school. She probably feels comfortable around me.

Bahiyyih: Could be that but to be honest I would more likely put my money on that she likes you.

I looked at her not kind of believing her but as I looked at the other girls it seemed like they were all thinking the same. I looked at Chaehyun and saw an unreadable expression on her face. It kind of looked like she wasn't really that happy with the suspicion. I opened my mouth to say something when I suddenly was interrupted by Kazuha, who magically appeared behind me.

Kazhua: Jahoon? Can I talk to you privately for a second?

I turned to look at Kazhua, who had a nervous smile on her face. I glanced at the other girls for a second before nodding in agreement to her request. We walked outside of the classroom and up to the rooftop. I just followed her from behind and waited for her to say something as she walked around for a bit before turning to look at me nervously. She looked like those people in the movies, who are about to confess to their crush.

Kazuha: I like you, Jahoon.

And when you are talking about the devil. Kazuha looked down at the floor nervously as I kind of froze on the spot. I tried to wreck my brain with something to say but I couldn't. This was the first ever really ever verbal confession that I have received from anyone, so don't judge me. Was it just like in the movies where you have to wreck your brain to find out if you like them back or not.

Kazuha: I know that my confession is suddenly out of the blue but I really couldn't hold it in any longer. Whenever I see you close with someone else, I would always feel a little bit jealous thinking that you may like them more than me but I know that is a silly thought. That is why it is okay if you don't like me back.

Kazuha looked up at me. I could see the tears beginning to form in her eyes as if she already had prepared herself for me to say no. I sighed as I looked her up and down. It was not like I disliked her or something, she was an okay girl to know but... to be honest I don't like her like that. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I actually have fallen for Chaehyun ever since that day she made my heart beat faster whenever she is around me.

Jahoon: I'm sorry Kazuha. I can't return your feelings back. I have someone that I like. I'm sorry but we can still be friends if you want?

Kazuha: That is okay. Yes, we can still be friends.

Kazuha smiled sadly but you could see that she was trying hard to prevent herself from crying. I opened and closed my mouth as I looked at her, wanting to say something to comfort her but like many things else in this world, I have never done that before. I just walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her awkwardly as I patted her on her back. She wrapped her arms around my waist and clutched my clothes tightly as she slowly burst into tears. I kind of felt bad being the reason behind her tears but on the other hand, I knew that if I said yes, then I would just be leading her on and then she would eventually get sad just like now. Also, neither of us would truly be happy in the relationship. We stood there for a while before we broke the hug. I looked at Kazuha a little bit worried as she wiped her remaining tears away. When I was sure she was kind of okay, we both returned back to our classroom and I sat back down with the girls. They all quickly jumped at me and began asking me questions about what happened. I told them everything or almost everything that happened. The girls began telling me how oblivious I was and telling me how right they were. I didn't fully listen to them as I glanced at Kazuha from time to time, who was sitting in the back of the classroom with her head down. I felt bad at what happened and to see her like that but on the other hand, I couldn't have prevented any of it. I turned back to see Chaehyun with a questionable look on her face. The girls walked over to their seats as the teacher walked in. I used the opportunity to try and ask her about it but I wasn't able since our teacher began talking as soon as I was about to ask. I leaned back in my seat and looked out of the window. I have to ask her later about it. Hopefully, it is nothing serious or bad.

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