Chapter 2. Friends?

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It was another day of school and another day of my mission on trying to get closer to Jahoon. During these days, I managed to get closer to her though we all got to know that she wasn't really that much of a talkative person but she did speak to me whenever I initiated a conversation. It was like we were closer to becoming friends but on the other hand also not. But hey! I still consider it a victory that she is now talking and greeting me compared to before. I walked inside the classroom to see Jahoon sitting in her usual place with her earphones in and phone in her hands as if she was playing a game. I sneaked up behind her and looked over her shoulder as she concentrated fully on the game. She didn't even notice my presence. A few minutes later the word "winner" appeared on the screen. A big smile appeared on her face as she seeped in the happiness from the victory.

Chaehyun: Congratulations on the victory.

Jahoon jumped in her seat and turned around to face me as she held a hand over her chest.

Jahoon: Don't sneak up on people like that. You scared the hell out of me.

I giggled at her as I sat down on the seat beside her. She regained her composure and took out her earphones as she put them away with her phone, turning her full attention to me.

Chaehyun: I'm sorry but you were just so into your game that I didn't want to disturb you. Also, I think that this may be the first time that I have ever seen you smile like this. It really suits you!

Jahoon looked at me with a weird look on her face, a look that I really couldn't tell what it meant. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it and turned away from me, kind of looking in the distance. I wanted to ask her what was wrong but our teacher suddenly walked inside, not giving me a chance. I turned to face the teacher but glanced at Jahoon a few times. Something is happening in her life, that was clear but I don't know what. The only thing that I'm sure of is that I'm really concerned for her.

Teacher: Alright everyone! As I told you last week, we are going to have a test today! Clear your desk for any books and only leave your pen and eraser left!

Everyone began clearing their desk as the students sitting in the front disbursed the test papers. I got the papers and was about to give one to Jahoon when I noticed that she was sleeping. I slightly nudged her, making her wake up and rubbing her eyes. I gave her one of the papers and shook my head at her. Ever since the day that she arrived at this school, she hasn't really been that much active in classes. She only answered nonchalantly when the teachers asked her questions. The teachers have pretty much given up on her since all she is doing when at school is sleeping or being on her phone. Mostly everyone is expecting her to fail the tests and exams.

Teacher: Alright class! You have two hours from now on to complete the test! You may now begin!

I quickly grabbed my pencil and began answering the questions. It was kind of easy for me since I had spent a lot of time studying but of course, there were some questions that required a bit more thinking than the others. I glanced at Jahoon to see that she was still sleeping, she hasn't even moved since the test has begun. I was worried about her. What if she doesn't get to finish the test? But the bigger concern is why she is always so sleepy and sleeping in class? Wait! Chaehyun! Focus on your test before you worry about others! I turned my head back to my paper, continuing to answer it as well as trying not to think too much about Jahoon.

Teacher: Alright kids! There is only half an hour left of your test! Make sure to read the questions and your answers carefully before turning in your papers!

I was finally finished with my paper. The only thing that I have left now is to check my paper before turning it in. Suddenly I heard a chair beside me scrambling. I looked up to see Jahoon heading towards the teacher with her paper in her hand, handing it nonchalantly. She walked back to her seat and sat down, placing her head on top of her arms before falling back to sleep. I looked at her in disbelief. Did she really finish her paper? I didn't even notice her grabbing her pen to write. I stood up and handed the teacher my paper. Now the only thing that was left was to wait for the result. I wasn't that worried about it since the beginning of high school, I have always been ranked 1st.

Teacher: Alright everyone! Quiet down! I have your test results ready now! I will announce your test results one by one.

Our teacher began announcing each and every test result, starting from the bottom or the one with the worst results. Somehow I was expecting Jahoon's name to be called first but even halfway through the announcement, Jahoon's name has yet to be called. I glanced at her to see her looking out of the window, not caring in the slightest about her results.

Teacher: And for the first place this time... It was surprisingly Jahoon. Chaehyun, you got second place this time.

Everyone gasped upon hearing this, even me! I turned my head to look at her with a surprised look but she just continued to look out of the window completely unaware of the situation right now. Our teacher handed out our test and I looked at mine to see that I got a score of 99/100. I had just missed one single question out of all of them. That meant... I glanced over at Jahoon's paper to see that she got all the questions right. How did she do that? How did she manage to do that when all she does in class is sleep or just look out of the window like she has no care in the world. Maybe she just studies a lot at home all day and night. That would also pretty much make sense in terms of her always sleeping during class. It seemed like every one of us had underestimated her.

A few hours later, the school was over and it was time for students to head home. Everyone got up from their seats and began packing in a hurry. I finished packing my bag as I noticed Jahoon on her way out of the room.

Chaehyun: Jahoon! Wait!

I swung my bag over my shoulder. I ran over to her as she waited for me. I looked at her with a smile as she looked at me, probably confused why I called out for her.

Chaehyun: I just want to congratulate you on your first place in the test results. It must not have been easy.

Jahoon: Thank you but I have to go now.

I looked as Jahoon exited the school. I heard footsteps coming closer to me from behind to see the girls standing behind me.

Youngeun: I know that you have tried really hard to get closer to her but it seems like she doesn't want to.

Daeyeon: I have to agree with Youngeun here. Maybe it's time to give up.

All the others nodded in agreement though trying to be cautious trying not to hurt my feelings. I sighed once again and turned around to look in the direction that Jahoon went.

Chaehyun: I know that you guys may be right and I also know that I probably should give up but... I have said this once... There is something over her that makes me want to keep pushing on. Something that makes me want to protect her at all costs.

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