Chapter 13. Graduation

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I was lying comfortably in my bed and just trying to catch up on the lost sleep that I missed the past few days. Suddenly I heard someone knocking hard on my door. I just continued to sleep until it was too unbearable.

Jahoon: What can a girl do to get some sleep without any disruptions?

I grumbled to myself and rubbed my eyes to see a bit more clearly instead of stumbling and hurting myself on the way to the door. I opened the door with an angry noise to see which stupid person decided to ruin my morning.

Jahoon: Who the hell wakes me up?!

Eunbi: Damn~ girl~ you look like you just got revived from death! How aren't you even ready yet?! You know what?! Let me help you! I will make sure that you will look the best at your graduation event! So pretty that Chaehyun will be proud to have you as her girlfriend and she would be excited to show you off to other people.

Eunbi unnie pushed herself through the door and into my room. I looked at her with confusion as I still was trying to wake up from my nice deep sleep. I just groaned and closed the door before following her from behind. She then grabbed my arm and pushed me into the bathroom with a towel.

Eunbi: Go and take a shower! I love you Jahoon but gosh when was the last time that you took a shower?

Jahoon: I don't smell that bad.

I scratched the back of my head as I did as I was told. It was only when I was in the shower and when the warm water hit my face that I remembered what all of this was about. Today was graduation day! Today was also the day that I had prepared a big surprise for Chaehyun.

Jahoon: Unnie! What clock is it now?!

Eunbi: It's 8 a.m! You have to be there in two hours!

Jahoon: Shit! Shit! Shit!

I quickly showered and don't come at me. I made sure that I was completely clean before getting out of the shower. I got out of the bathroom and got dressed with the help of Eunbi unnie. It was just a simple pair of pants with a button-up shirt but it made Eunbi unnie pretty much excited.

Eunbi: Look at you~ you look so good in that~

Jahoon: Unnie... it's just-

Eunbi: I won't hear any of that.

Eunbi unnie placed her index finger on my lips to shut me up. She helped me finish until I was ready for the graduation ceremony but I still wasn't prepared for what I had planned for Chaehyun afterward.

Jahoon: Unnie, I need your help.

Eunbi: What is it? Is there something that I have missed for your graduation?

Eunbi unnie twisted and turned me around with knitted eyebrows to see if there was anything she had missed on my outfit. I stopped her with a smile.

Jahoon: It is not about my outfit though I'm glad for the help but it is about something else.

Eunbi unnie and I sat down on my bed and I told her everything that I had planned. Eunbi unnie gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands.

Eunbi: Oh my gosh! That is so sweet~ you are such a sweetheart Jahoon~

Eunbi unnie blushed a little as she lightly pushed me. I shook my head at her.

Jahoon: I'm sorry to ask you for this-

Eunbi: Don't worry about it! I will help you prepare everything. I even have a place that would be perfect for the occasion. I will even get my friends to help us so that we will be done before the graduation ceremony. I would do anything in this world not to miss your graduation ceremony.

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