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Jeon Jungkook was an average high school student living a typical life. He went to school, studied diligently, and hoped for a future without worries, where he could have money in his pocket. Everything in his life was perfectly normal, except for one thing—his dreams.

Unlike others, Jungkook's life might have been ordinary, but his dreams were far from it. He was constantly plagued by nightmares that felt disturbingly real. In these dreams, it was as if someone was desperately trying to send him a message, pleading for help. He found himself in the midst of chaos, with people fighting around him and others lying lifeless on the ground.

There was one constant in these nightmares—six figures who were always by his side. He could see their faces vividly while dreaming, but every time he woke up, their identities would slip away from his memory, leaving him frustrated and confused. This unending cycle of forgotten faces haunted him, making him question the nature of his dreams.

Were these six individuals real?
Could he ever find them?
And most importantly, were his dreams truly just dreams, or was there a deeper reality to them?

Coming soon!!!

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