Part 12

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**Aaaagh, school is so annoying! I'm out in a week or two and I promise to update more often.**

Nikki's POV

I drove at a speed that was probably way too fast down the freeway- all I cared about was seeing her. I know it makes me seem like an overprotective creep, but honestly, I think I love her. It might seem weird, but...

 Slow down, Nikki, I thought to myself, it's not gonna help the situation if you're dead.

I relaxed my grip on the steering wheel and eased up on the gas, slowing myself down, if only a little. "Okay... okay, okay... how about some music?" I asked the empty air around me. Shrugging, I turned on the radio, and flipped through to find a song I liked. I settled on one that I hadn't heard before- it sounded good enough.

I bit my lip and swerved around a pothole, cursing the stupid government for not fixing it. I finally found the exit ramp I needed to get to the hospital, and turned onto it. Driving a little, I came to the intersection. If I turned left, I would be right at the hospital- if I turned right, I could get some food like I promised Ali.

 I can get food later, I told myself, Ali was awake! I hadn't ate much in the past few days, but I didn't really care.

I took the left, knowing that if Ali found out she'd be furious, and Ash would be disdainful as well. I wouldn't let them know- I'd just credit my unhealthy skinniness and paleness to the fact that I'd been leading a hospital food diet.

I pulled into the hospital parking lot. Finally, I sighed with relief. I quickly hopped out of and locked my car, rushing up to the main building. I near ran to the elevator, and once the doors open, pushed the button for the 3rd floor, where Ali's room was.

  Collect yourself, Nikki! You're not gonna get the girl if you're bumbling like a horny teenager in front of a hot chick.

After a deep breath or two, I walked in nonchalantly. Ash sat at her bedside, scrolling through something on her phone, and Ali lay peacefully asleep.

"I leave for forty-five minutes," I sigh, "and she's asleep?" Ash looked up from her phone and smiled. "Why hello lover-boy," she broke out into a cheesy grin, causing me to roll my eyes. "She fell asleep five minutes after you left," she laughed. "Feel free to wake her up, if you really want to."

I did, and she'd been sleeping enough lately, but I decided to give her a little while. "Well, since I didn't actually eat while I was out, I'm gonna go grab something from the food court, and I'll be back."

I rode the elevator back down again, and found my way to the familiar cafeteria. Walking in to the smell of various types of food, I walked around. The place was cold and bustling with people, as it was around dinnertime. I really, really didn't feel like standing in a long line for food, so I just grabbed some fruit and a water bottle. I payed for what I decided on, and sat down at the cleanest table I could find.

It was sat in a corner, near a window that overlooked the man-made pond that hospital patients liked to visit. A little girl with a broken arm stood looking into the pond, and a couple with a baby wheeled an old man through the hospital garden. More seemingly healthy children watched by two young men played TAG in the grass nearby- I guessed they were patients siblings who were put into the daycare program.

I sat, gazing at the crystal clear waters of the pond, and began to think. I thought about the little girl, and the old man, and all of the other patients in this damned hospital. I thought about Ali and how fucking lucky I was to have her alive- I was so damn lucky that she woke up.

I don't know what I would have done with myself if she had died- would we have been another Romeo and Juliet love story? Would her death have pushed me over the point of no return? I was already teetering on the brink, and she was my only true chance at happiness.

Sure, I had my band mates- my best friends- but even with them around, I just never felt right, like there was a piece missing. I think Ali... I think Ali might be that piece.

I ate the rest of the fruit and decided to carry the water bottle back up with me to Ali's room. It had only been fifteen minutes, but I really wanted to wake her up.

I found my way to the elevator once more, my heart beating fast in my chest. I was so giddy to see her, it was ridiculous. A man my age shouldn't be acting like this.

I don't care what people think. I'm in love. I'm in love with Ali, and I know it. I just want to be with her, 24/7. I just want to hold her hand and call her mine.

And that's how I know it's not lust, it's not just a stupid fling. I don't want her for her body, I want her for her. For her beautiful personality, and the wonderful, amazing person she is, inside and out. Love like this was so painful, but also so beautiful, so poetic.

I arrived at her room, and walked in. Ash was sleeping in a chair, her black and red hair pulled back in a messy ponytail. As not to disturb her, I shut the door quietly, and walked over to where Ali lay.

I looked at her perfect face for a moment- the face of the girl I was so utterly in love with. Then, I bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Her perfect, beautiful eyes fluttered open. "Hey, Misery," she said sleepily. A smile grew on her cracked lips.

She looked so perfect, in her rarest form- no makeup, messy hair, and I didn't care. She was just as beautiful to me.

"Well," she grinned cheekily, "miss me?" I shrugged and smiled. "One could say so..." I sat down at her bedside. She took my hand and kissed it, gently, before letting go again.

"Nikki..." she practically whispered. "Do you love me?"

The question took me aback. I blinked twice sharply, and then took her hand. "Of course I love you, that goes without saying, Ali."

She looked straight into my eyes, a gaze that saw right through me, saw that I was telling the absolute truth.

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Good," she smiled, "because I love you, too."

The words were like a rush shot through my veins- I'd never felt this happy in my whole life.

After a moment of silence, Ali spoke again.

"Nikki," she whispered, "please never leave."

And then I said something- I made a promise, that I knew, from that day on, I'd try my hardest to keep.

"I won't."

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