Interlude: The New Captain America

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*This takes place a few days after Living Legend*

Hall of Justice:

After being brought back from being frozen after over 60 years, James has been learning about the types of things that have developed while he had been gone. He had learned the other people he knew years ago from the Justice Society had either passed away, retired, or passed on their mantles to other heroes and become mentors to the next generation of heroes. He had learned Jay passed on the mantle of Flash to a new speedster, Kent retired as Dr. Fate, Ted Grant aka Wildcat had retired and became a mentor to Black Canary. He had also learned Red Tornado is still around and joined the Justice League, a team that Diana had helped form after returning to Man's World.

After seeing Steve again, he had seen that he had tied the knot with Peggy Carter and retired from being Captain America. Steve had then passed the mantle to James, and after Batman had told the Justice League and the Team about the news they had congratulated him. The Justice League had their public affairs officer, Catherine Cobert call for a press conference to announce James' return, but are leaving the news of him taking up the mantle of Captain America a surprise. The news had spread fast and reporters have come from around to see the return of the young hero and try and get an interview from him.

James is sitting down taking deep breaths to calm his nerves as it was almost time to go out there. He looks at the shield next to the stand where his new suit as Captain America stood. He looks at it in wonder and continues to do that until he hears a knock on the door.

James: Come in.

Superman: (Walks in) You almost ready, James?

James: Yes, just a little nervous.

Superman: Why's that?

James: Well, my brother did pass the shield and the mantle of Captain America onto me. It's just a lot to take in. I just hope I'll do good.

Superman: I understand. (An idea pops in his head) You want to know something?

James looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

Superman: Growing up, my parents would tell me stories about Captain America and Bucky. They would tell me about the two brothers who grew up together to become great heroes who fought together in World War 2 before they had formed the Justice Society of America. How they would work together to stop the Nazis and help so many people without wanting anything in return. I was inspired by you to become Superman. I'm sure you, Steve, Diana, and the rest of the Justice Society have also inspired plenty of us to become heroes. You gave people hope and courage, and I wanted to do the same with my powers along with the rest of us. Your brother passed on the mantle to you because he believes in you, just like plenty of us do. We know you'll do good as Captain America and be a symbol to everyone just like your brother.

James smiles and nods. They hear a knock at the door and see Catherine standing at the door.

Catherine: They're ready.

Superman nods and looks at James.

Superman: I'll see you out there.

James nods and looks at his suit and puts it on.


A crowd of reporters try and get and interview from the founding members of the Justice League as Superman walks out to address the crowd.

Superman: Thank you for coming. As you all know, we have found someone, a hero, that has been frozen in time for over 60 years. This young man has been thought deceased after sacrificing his life for his friends, his family, and everyone he has sworn to protect at such a young age. After he had been brought back, he has taken up a part to inspire everyone just like the Justice League. A part that has inspired plenty of us to do good, especially me, and can continue to do that. A part that can be a symbol for everyone. So, on behalf of the Justice League, it is with great honor that we announce here today, the return of a great hero. Join us in welcoming James Rogers, but you'll soon know him as... Captain America.

The crowd goes wild as they clap and cheer as the doors open allowing James to jog outside and stand before the crowd in his suit holding his shield. He smiles at them and waves. He remembers when it used to be like this all the time back in World War 2 all those years ago. The soldiers cheering on for him, Steve, and the rest of the JSA. And it's starting to feel like it doesn't seem that long ago.

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