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Bialya; September 4th; 00:16 EEST:

On a sand dune in the middle of the desert, Miss Martian decamoflagues, unconscious. She groans and sits up, rubs her head in a foreign language. After a few moments of looking around her, and letting some sand run through her fingers, she comes to a conclusion.

Miss Martian: (Telepathic) (Bumps her head lightly with her hand) Hello, Megan! I'm on Earth. But how did I get to Earth? And why am I wearing this costume? (She gets up and starts walking down the dune) And why does my head hurt so much? (Her foot gets caught, and sends her tumbling down the dune. She groans and holds her head again) Is this a dream?

A figure slams into the ground next to her, sending sand and stone fragments everywhere. As the smoke clears, she realizes that she is looking at Superboy, his stance is feral and looks at M'gann without any recognition.

Miss Martian: Wait. I've seen that symbol. (Shifts so she's sitting on her feet) Are you Superman?

With a wordless cry, Superboy stands up, ripping his shirt apart. M'gann gasps before he charges at her. He lands on all fours moments after M'gann manages to move quickly. Seeing that she is only a few feet away, he jumps at her again, this time with a punch.

She takes to the air, giving herself an advantage over the rampaging clone.

He jumps at her, but instead of dodging she brings her hand together and creates a telepathic wall. But the backlash sends the both of them to the ground. The feral boy recovers first, but instead of attacking he turns and leaps away.

M'gann: (Thoughts) Not a dream. (Hugs herself tightly) A nightmare.


Robin walks dazedly through the desert, looking out he sees a cloud of dust approaching. Rushing up to the top of a rock formation, he lies down on the ground, watching a truck full of soldiers pass by.

Robin: Those are Bialyan Republican Army uniforms, but what are Bialyians doing in... (notices the location on his holo-glove) Bialyia. Rephrase: what am I doing in Bialyia? In September! What happened to March?! Better radio Batman.


Batman stands in front of a screen with the map of Bialyia on it.

Batman: Maintain radio silence at all times.

Flashback ends:

Robin: Or not...

He leaps down and walks over to a torn black cloth with a red Superman symbol on it and picked it up.

The young detective looks at the piece of cloth, trying to figure out what was happening with what little evidence he has.


The sun is now setting in the desert and under most circumstances, Wally would be panicking right about now. He is in a shed and has no idea where he is or how long he has been there. His suit is black instead of the usual yellow. And right now he's being confronted by James "Bucky" Rogers aka Captain America, who doesn't remember anything.

Captain America: Who are you, pal?

Kid Flash: Take it easy, the name's Kid Flash, and you're obviously Captain America. Although, I always thought Captain America was older.

Captain America: My name is James "Bucky" Rogers, and I don't remember the Flash having a young protégé.

Kid Flash: Wait, James Rogers? But that's impossible, you died in World War 2.

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