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Taipei; September 7th; 19:20 NST:

A news reporter stands in front of her camera man with a microphone in hand and a bright smile on her face. She looks directly into the camera and motions to the events happening behind her.

Cat: This is Cat Grant reporting from Taipei, where the historic peace summit between South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia has completely broken down. As a last resort, Prime Minister Tsang of South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia General Sing Mon Li have agreed to bring in an independent arbitrator. But, who is it? Speculation has run from the Secretary General of the United Nations to Superman. But the Man of Steel seems unlikely as I'm told the arbitrator is due at any moment by car, not cape. At any moment.

As the crowd circles around the steps of the building, a red haired man wearing sunglasses and a suit similar to a bodyguard's steps behind a pillar and places his finger to his ear.

Black Panther: (Comms) Black Panther and Aqualad here.

Red Arrow: Red Arrow; I need access to the Justice League's database. And the exact height of the League of Shadows assassin known as Cheshire.

Mt. Justice:

Black Panther: (Pulls up info on Cheshire) Checking... Cheshire is 1.67 meters.

Red Arrow: (Comms) Um...

Aqualad: She's 5'6" and extremely dangerous. Do you require backup?

Back with Roy:

Red Arrow: Please, the last thing I need is the Jr. Justice League.

He clicks a button on his glasses and it begins to scan the crowd till he got a match on a girl in a baseball cap working in one of the booths.

Back at Mt. Justice:

Aqualad: (Chuckles) Just our computer. Good luck my friend. Aqualad out.

Black Panther: Is he always like that?

Aqualad: Sometimes, he's only acted this way after he went solo.

Back with Red Arrow:

Roy pulls out his bow and arrows as the limousine holding the arbitrator arrives, surrounding by police.

Cat: The arbitrator has arrived.

As the car stops, Cheshire climbs up onto the booth and aims her rocket launcher at the car holding the arbitrator. An arrow then hits her hand as she pulls the trigger, shooting the missile into the air.

People run away screaming as Prime Minister Tsang and General Sing Mon Li are instantly hoarded by their protective personnel.

Cat: (To camera man) Did you get that? Did you get the shot?

Cheshire flips off the stand, hops off someone's head and lands near the limousine. Guards come and start attacking her. She begins taking them out quickly as possible. After getting rid of them, she takes out her sais and races for the limousine. Red Arrow rushes out of his hiding spot and fires a net arrow but she slashes it away, so he tackles her away from the limousine.

Then, the missile hits the concession stand behind them. Before Cheshire could do anything else, security begins to surround them. She puts her hands up while Red Arrow, who is laying below her, has his hands up as well.

Cat Grant: We have just witnessed an assassination attempt, live. Thankfully, no one seems to have been hurt including our mystery arbitrator...

Mercy Graves gets out of the driver's seat of the limousine and opens the door for the arbitrator, who soon steps out of the limo. Everyone begins to look and take pictures of the arbitrator.

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