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*The scenes with Aqualad in Atlantis are the same and haven't changed*

Gotham City; August 27, 6:17 EDT

Grunts and battle cries are heard from inside an abandoned building. Captain America gets thrown into a wall again. Everything went well until Aqualad hesitated for a brief moment which lead to the current situation they're in. Aqualad fires a few water blasts and misses as Clayface dodges before hitting Aqualad and sends him into a wall, knocking him out as he lands next to his other unconscious teammates. Clayface walks up to Captain America and turns his hand into a mace before lifting it up in the air, ready to send another blow.

Then, Batman comes crashing through the skylight above them and throws a couple batarangs. They sink into Clayface's arm before exploding. Clayface tries to hit Batman with his other arm, but Batman jumps backward and pulls out a taser gun and shoots Clayface with it. It shocks and melts him altogether. The fight is over.

Mount Justice; August 27, 7:58 EDT:

Batman: I need to talk to Aqualad; the rest of you, hit the showers, and head home.

Superboy: (Sarcastic) Head home? I am home.

Batman ignores him as Aqualad, Robin, and Captain America stop in front of him.

Batman: (To Robin and Captain America) Just Aqualad.

Robin walks away, giving Aqualad a jealous look. Bucky remains standing beside the young Atlantean and the Dark Knight.

Bucky: I need to talk to him too. (Notices Batman's glare) He's on my team, so you can cover anything I miss.

Batman nods and let's Bucky take center stage.

Aqualad: (To Batman) I'm sorry you had to intervene. (Bows his head)

Bucky: (To Kaldur) You're lucky none of us died because of your inaction. I don't know what's going on in your head Aqualad, I'm not a Martian. So until you sort out whatever's going on, I'm suspending you.

Aqualad bows his head further, feeling the weight of his shame.

Bucky: That being said Kaldur, (Places a hand on his friend's shoulder in a comforting manner) You have friends here. And the League is willing to listen. Tell us what the problem is and maybe you won't have to go through it alone.

Kaldur: Of late I am not even convinced I belong on the surface world. For so many years, it filled my every thought. But now that I am here, my dreams are all Atlantis.

Batman: Atlantis... or someone you left behind.

Bucky: You just need to sort this out, Kaldur. Your time can be spent on both worlds, but your mind has got to be focused. Anything else makes you a liability to the team, and I won't have you endanger yourself or others because you're not able to focus.

Batman: You need to make a decision, Kaldur. And make it soon.

Back at the cave:

Superboy sits down on the couch staring at the TV, as M'gann is in the kitchen, looking at a recipe book. Alex walks in after cleaning his suit and looks at Superboy with confusion.

Alex: Hey, uh, Superboy... you want one of us to turn that on for you?

Superboy: No.

He doesn't take his eyes away from the static screen.

M'gann: Alex, would you like to help me make dinner?

Alex: Sure.

This makes M'gann smile as Alex walks into the kitchen.

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