Chapter 7: Not the Summer I Know

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Julian moves over to close the open minifridge only to realize that the room is a bit too chilly. He heads over to the air vent to turn up the heat a little in the room.

"At least the heat works in this room."

Julian looks out the window to see the snow quickly pick up speed from the skies. Upon looking out the window, he can see his old house from a distance from where he used to live. He notices that the house seems to be foreclosed.

"So my childhood home is no more. Guess that is to be expected."

He looks down at the street to see people walking about as they seem occupied with their days and about the local buzz. Julian observes that despite the city being run down, the people seem to be the same as they had been ten years before.

After resting in his room for a few minutes, he decides to take the elevator back down to the lobby to head out to see his younger sister in the prison a mile down the road. He waves bye to his friend as he heads out the door on his way out and starts the long walk to the prison.

In the midst of his walk, he passes by a TV that seems to be detailing the headlines for that morning. A certain headline catches Julian by surprise "Police Investigating an Open Field in Louisville After Possible Skeletal Remains Found in the Area"

"Police are investigating an open field in Louisville after a tip came in of possible skeletal remains of three individuals in a  snow-covered corn field. As of now, the identities of the skeletal remains are unknown at this time but forensic scientists may be brought in to examine the remains for the identities of the three individuals."

Julian instantly is overcome with anxiety after having a sudden realization that it could possibly be Freyah that is one of the supposed victims that is buried within the snow-covered corn fields. "Oh no...I really hope none of them are who I think it is. I mean it could be anybody after all. "

Tyme creeps up on Julian as he is glancing at the news report and looms over him. "Well well, looks like you didn't learn your lesson from the previous two times you were here. Like I said, your future is compromised unless you are able to defeat me."

"Seriously, you again. Haven't you caused enough damage already?"

"Well wherever trouble is, I follow."

Julian sighs in frustration. "What is it that you want this time?"

"Just to laugh at the fact that you haven't figured out how to defeat me."

"Well I am trying aren't I?"

"Maybe, but I don't think you'll ever find the answer at this rate. You do realize that you are on a clock. You only have so much time to defeat me."

"I know, I know, now just go away."

"As you wish. Just know that I am watching you."

As quick as he came, Tyme vanishes from plain sight right in front of Julian. He then turns to his right only to see a family looking at him with a puzzled look on their faces. As the family passes by Julian, the parents give Julian a weird look for apparently talking to nothing but thin air. The two little kids laugh at Julian before being escorted by their parents down the street.

"What's wrong with that guy, Mommy?" one kid asks the mother.

"He's one of those schizo-crazies, no need to pay attention to him." says the mother as she moves the child along.

Julian smiles nervously before composing himself again. He then continues on his route to the prison. 

Within a few minutes, he arrives at the prison. The building appears to be at least about fifty years old and already seems to be falling apart by its hinges. Julian continues to walk into the building to be met by a couple police officers at the front desk. One of them surprisingly happens to be the one that ends up arresting him in the previous nightmare he had where he was outside the bench at the technology store. The officer, though, appears to have no recollection of arresting Julian at all.

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