Chapter 23: A New Ally

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After a talk-filled breakfast at the table with the three people, Julian is ready to get on the road.

"Thank you again for rescuing me and taking me in yesterday, Seth and thank you so much for the hospitality too, Scarlet."

"No need for that but we appreciate it!" states Seth chuckling away.

"You're absolutely welcome, Julian. It was a pleasure having you over. On behalf of Seth, we wish you luck with getting to California." says Scarlet with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you both!" Julian states.

Both Seth and Tim wish each other a goodbye before the two depart. Julian then follows Tim out to his car. Upon reaching the car, Tim notices that the car is the latest edition 2033 Tesla with comfortable seating.

"Wow, this car looks pretty awesome! You must have paid a fortune for this!" states Julian in awe.

"Oh yeah, I got this after getting a whole lot of moolah!" states Tim.

"Nice! So...what's the plan?"

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. So the goal is to drive from here to the border by nightfall around the tip of Minnesota today. Then from there drive segments each day until we get there. We should arrive there either later on the 11th or sometime on the 12th. "

"Oh alright, that all makes perfect sense."

"Pretty much."

"How about with getting into America because I don't actually have one."

"Well with that, it's simple. We are just going to smuggle you into America. You're going to be using one of the fake  passports that I have collected over the last couple years in my glove compartment."

"Fake passports?? That's a shock...I still don't know how I'm feeling about doing this? It seems like a dangerous game."

"It's not at all. I've been doing this job for the last 25 years and have never been caught, not even once. So we should be 100% fine! So no need to get all in a fuss about this."

"You do make a good deal, still I'm counting on you."

"I won't let you down, You'll see. Now hop on in, we got a long drive ahead of us."

Both hop into the 2033 Tesla and within a few minutes, they are on the road and zooming off towards the border.

Throughout the next few hours, the occasional silence would be broken up by questions from Tim who seemed very curious about Julian's reasons for going back into the U.S. and seeing his friend.

Although Julian knows the real reason for seeing his friend, he decides to come up with a white lie to try to dissuade Tim from the actual truth for going back to America. Luckily, Tim buys into Julian's lie about just seeing his friend to hang out with him after not seeing him in so long.

By 8pm that evening, they reached the border of the United States where a border patrol officer was awaiting him in a booth a half mile down the road. Just then, Tim turns to Julian and asks him to pick out a fake passport from a stash in his glove compartment.

Julian searches through the pile to look for any that match his appearance but can't find any that has the same hair or appearance as his. He does eventually come across someone of the same stature and looks nearly like him but with black hair. The name inside the passport reads Shen Nguyen-Cheng.

" I was only able to find this one. I don't know if it will, plus the name looks pretty foreign."

"It's okay, it's going to work, it always does. Again, just trust me."

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