Chapter 19: Hidden Desires

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Julian, now trudging through snow, cold, and with a presumably sprained ankle continues on his journey towards civilization for another hour. Within a few miles of his journey, his hands start to freeze up and he is beginning to lose feeling in his feet. 

He takes another look at his clock to see that it was now just after 3 pm and notices that the sun is getting much lower in the sky.

"This is bad, if I don't find civilization soon this could be really bad...I can't die out here."

As Julian continues to drag his feet through the terrain, he begins to hear noises in the distance.

"What was that?"

He stops to take a minute to listen to the noise again. This time he hears a growl and it seems to be getting closer to him. 

"I-Is that a bear." Julian ponders as he begins to tremble.

Julian scans his surroundings until he sees a polar bear in the distance ahead of him looking directly at him.

"Oh no…why now?!" he screams in his head.

He decides to stay put where he is and avoid any movement. 

"Nice polar bear, nice p-polar bear. I'm not here to hurt you. Trust me I-I don't want to be here either."

The polar bear continues to approach Julian slowly, still eyeing him as the object to destroy. Noticing this, Julian uses the stick he is using to hold himself up and aims it directly at the polar bear.

"Stay back! Please!" Julian yells out while trembling vigorously now.

The polar bear continues to remain unfazed and continues his trek towards Julian.

"I'm warning you…don't make me hit you…" barks Julian. "I don't want to hurt you, please…"

Still determined, the polar bear continues on its trek to Julian, now within fifty meters of him now. 

"Alright….I warned you." 

Julian throws the large stick at the polar bear but it ends up barely grazing the bear on its side. After witnessing this and backing into a tree, Julian begins to scale up the tree, in pain, to get away from the now ticked polar bear. He continues up the tree until he reaches a sturdy branch to support his weight. 

Unfortunately, this still does not deter the still, vicious polar bear who is ready to take charge now at him in the tree. Upon reaching the tree, the polar bear continues to growl at Julian, up on a tree branch, nearly twenty feet above it. Succumbing to the reality of his life being on the line, Julian can't help but to cry out for someone.

"HELP!! Is there anyone out there that can help me?! Please…..someone HELP!!" Julian yells. 

Just then, Julian is pulled out from his nightmare by his little sister outside of the nightmare yelling at him. 

"Julian! Julian! Wake up already you goon!'

Julian wakes up from his daze to see that it's nearly two in the afternoon and to see that Summer is glaring at him. 

"How long are you gonna sleep in? It's almost two, you sloth!" Summer bickers.

"Seriously, Summer, can you just let a guy sleep…sheesh!"

"I would but mom asked if you were getting breakfast at some point?"

"Well, I was, thank you very much. Now please get out of my room." 

"Sure whateves, just don't fall asleep again for another ten hours." Summer teases.

"Ohhhh….shut up." Julian states with a slight annoyed tone.

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