Bad Water

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"You know purple is a really good color on yo-"

"Just be quiet."

Turns out he was either running on some bad luck or he was truly a phony. She did have some pity for him after the whole lunch disaster but that ended immediately when he tried competing with a child at a milk bottle game. The games were mostly rigged and she knew it too. He however, was determined to not look like a fool and complete one game to win her something. As soon as the third stack fell his ego blew up as did the kids temper. It was actually funny watching a kid nail him in the side of the face. It was less humorous knowing she had to be around this idiot for a whole day. All of his attempts were the same she's seen at Lust. Cliché dates, plus his ego could not accept being wrong or accept any of her opinions. So she decided she might as well enjoy cracking at that ego until he toned down.

"I was only trying to help."

"Yeah well quit it. I don't need your help, especially from some short girl like you."

"Someone's sensitive." She laid her hands on the back of his shoulders, keeping a good grip as they raced through the desert. "This is nice."

"Okay that's enough."

"No, I'm being serious. I've never seen any of this before and horseback riding is actually pretty fun." She admired the open plains that stretched for miles to no end. It was a little cloudy but the sun still peeked through. It was quiet and the feeling of being alone was actually comforting.

"Least I got one thing right." He muttered. "We'll be there in five minutes. The rivers beautiful this time of year. It's huge and it's fun to ride through."

"We're going to ride through it?!"

He chuckled. "Nah, but we can sit down and watch it. Just relax a bit. Allow the horse to get some water before we head back.

"Sounds like every river I've seen before."

"This one's different, beautiful flowers grow along the sides of it. There's caves if you really want to get heated up and there's one special thing about it too. You'll love it."

She rolled her eyes. "I think you're misunderstanding that heated part."

The wind began to pick up as they finally reached their destination. "Dammit." His body tensed up and he gripped the reigns harder.

"What's wrong?" She peeked over his shoulder and started laughing. What looked like a lower road was a river in drought. "Man today is not your day. I suppose you'll be buying me that fancy cactus drink."

"It's not over."

"Alright, where to next then?"

"There's....there's some woods up north. That's got some nice scenery." He turned the horse and thunder started to rumble. The dark clouds that were drifting by were now hanging over their heads. In seconds rain began to pour. "Don't even say it."

"We're still going?"

"Yeah, why?" He lightly nudged the horse and headed off. "Scared of getting wet townie?"

"Not at all." She smirked and leaned over his shoulder. "I've never been afraid of getting wet. Enjoy it sometimes."

"Sound like you're a little warm back there. Need a hand?"

"Ha. Keep trying." A thought dawned on her and she held her hand out confused for a moment. "Actually, speaking of which, isn't it too warm for it to rain like this?"

"Nah, we get spurts like this all the time." He glanced over his shoulder. "So you are feeling warm." He grinned.

"In your dreams." The rain suddenly started to pour, soaking her clothes.

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