Family Reunion

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Her hand trailed up the old wooden railing as she admired the same old house she used to live in. The door still had that same copper bell hanging off of it. Her uncle bought it as a gift for her aunt without realizing how much it'd rust over time in the weather. Still, aunt Winne kept it because it was one of the first gifts she received newlywed. The blue-green tint didn't look bad against the dark wood though. It gave it character and a fond memory of them telling her their story. 

She lifted her hand up to knock but hesitated.

The door creaked open as she snuck in. Seemed like her uncle hadn't changed a thing, probably didn't want to either. After all, aunt Winnie decorated the home herself. She stood in the tiny foyer and peeked into the living room that was to her left. Nobody was resting on the couch and the fireplace seemed like it hadn't been used in ages. Something beeped behind her. She turned around and walked into a room, right of the foyer. There she circled around the dinner table as  memories flooded in. More noise erupted in the kitchen beside it. She poked her head in and watched as her cousin messed around with making lunch. Her tail waved to the soft music playing on the radio that she had rested on the window sill above the sink. She wore cuffed capris with a sleeveless sage green shirt knotted at the front. The room was filled with a wonderful aroma of sweet treats she was certain her cousin had baking in the oven. She watched her cousin for a couple minutes wander around fixing a couple sandwiches and a salad of some kind. "Leanne." She whispered to herself, shaking her head. Y/n stepped into the room and wandered over. "It's a little early for lunch don't you think?"

She dropped everything in her hand. "Y/n!!!" Her cousin let out a high pitch squeal and rushed over. "Oh you jerk! You told me you were coming in two days!!!" Y/n could barely breathe as Leanne squeezed the life out of her. 

"The trip took less time than I expected. How've you been?"

"Oh fine!" She waved her off. "Come over here and eat. I made lots for everyone."

"Speaking of," Y/n glanced around. "Where is everyone?"

"Dad keeps himself busy, he won't be home till dinner time. The twins are in the barn tending to the livestock and one of dad's helpers is helping with the field. Enough about them though,I can't believe you're here!!! Do you want a drink hon?"

"No I'm good," She laughed. "It's been too long. Everything seems the same, you have to tell me about everyone!"

"Oh I have plenty of stories for you. You remember Vex?"

Y/n sat down in one of the barstools by the island and rested her arms on the counter. "Vex....she had the green curly hair, right?"

"Mhmm! She married Ralen Wistlow." Her eyes widened and Leanne laughed. "That's what I said!! Oh he's a looker now, you'd have to meet him to see it. So many have moved out, got married, divorced, had kids. People you wouldn't have thought would ever get together, got together. So much has happened!" 

"Well I can't wait to hear all about it. So," She smiled brightly, "Your fiancé, he's cute."

Her face turned red. "Oh Dalton's perfect and he has a ranch not far from here either and it's gorgeous!!!" She grew giddy as she wrapped the sandwiches up and put them away in the fridge. "I'm glad you're here because I need so much help. I still have to work on the theme, decorations, the food, the barn!" She rubbed her face. "And we're going out drinking. I'll introduce you to some of my girlfriends. Louise will be there."

"Oh my god," Y/n leaned her head back. "I almost forgot about her. What's she been up to?"

"Everything, she started her own jewelry business and that's been selling well in some of the rings." Leanne walked back over and sat down beside her. "I also told a few people you'd be coming back and everyone's so excited!!!" Her face beamed as she clapped her hands together. "I have so many ideas and so many plans for you, you'll love it I promise!!!"

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