Chapter Three

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6 Months Ago...

You'd returned to Detroit alone. To your job that refused to give you more time off. To your apartment that felt even smaller than it had the day you left. To a life you'd forgotten how to live.

Josh had been forced to stay in Nashville, for reasons that you never fully understood. Something about re-shoots and script changes. He'd apologised a thousand times. Bought you a first class ticket on a domestic flight and promised that he'd be home within the fortnight.

You felt numb. Dropping your bag at the door and lingering in the silence of a place that no longer felt like home. Remembering a kiss that had remained with you ever since it had happened. Jake's lips and tongue, the way he had held your face tenderly. Unapologetic afterwards. Leaving you feeling as if you could never walk the earth without grief ever again.

It only felt better once Josh finally came home. Surprising you on a rainy day in the middle of the week as you stood at the sink washing dishes. His arms scooping you up from behind. Your wet hands covered in soap suds, dampening his curly hair as you spun around.

"You're here..." You cried, "How the fuck are you here?!"

He had you up on the kitchen counter. In the same place he'd kissed you the very first time.

"Time off for good behaviour." He joked, nuzzling into your neck as you ran soapy hands down his back. "I'm all yours for a while now, I promise."

"Do we get to look for an apartment now?" You asked, feeling as if you couldn't spend another moment in that tiny place without him.

"I knew you'd be all bratty about it." He said affectionately, "So I've set up some viewings tomorrow."

The past two weeks without him faded away as he ran his tongue across your collar bone. Josh knew what you needed. And you knew he needed you in equal measure.

As you kissed him, it somehow felt more serious. Like something had intrinsically changed. His eyes watched you as you tore off his shirt. You felt like a missing puzzle piece within had just been found. Hungrily eager for his body, as if you'd forgotten how it felt since you'd last held him.

"Fuck, I missed you..." You whispered, both of you naked as he carried you off to the bedroom.

He threw you down with ill intention. You knew that look he gave you. It wasn't going to be a sweet little fuck with moments of laughter. Where he would goof off and bring you to fits of giggles before making you climax. You'd only ever seen him like this once before, on the night you'd asked him to fuck you until it hurt.

"You want it your way?" You asked, easing up the bed with your legs wide open for him.

He stood at the side and wrapped his palm around the base of his erection. "I've had time to let my mind wander."

"Oh yeah?" You beckoned him to you with the curl of your finger. "Where did it go to?"

You noticed his jaw clenched tight as he knelt into the mattress.

"Being away from you. It does nothing good for my soul. Or the depraved places my mind goes to when you're not there for me to touch."

He sank down on top of you. His hard cock pressed against your stomach, the little downy hair that ran up towards his navel almost tickling you.

"Take me there." You urged, wrapping your legs around him, feeling your wetness against his pubic hair.

"I got you a gift." He smiled, breaking his brood as he shot off the bed to retrieve something from his bag.

Simultaneous // Josh & Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now