Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12

Matthew blinked awake and looked around. He didn't recognize where he was and started to panic. The memories from before flooded back into his mind. Canada started to sit up, but was pushed back down. He frowned and tried to move again.

"Easy now." Said the man who was holding him back. Canada didn't know the voice. He looked over to were the voice had come from. A tall tan skinned man with brown eyes and hair stood over him. "My name is Darrick. What's your name?"

"I'm Matthew." Canada said quietly. The man, Darrick, didn't look like a threat, but he was still wary. "Where am I?"

"At my house. It's not much, but its home." Darrick said. Canada noticed that he had an accent. "Just moved here before the war started. Should have stayed in Australia."

"What happened? How did I get here?" Matthew asked. He was still confused.

"Found you in the forest. Looked like you were dead, but you weren't. So I carried you back here." Darrick explained.

"Thank you. I am in your debt." Matthew smiled.

"Nah, we're even." The man said. Canada raised an eyebrow. "Sicily was liberated yesterday by the allies."

"What day is it?" The Canadian asked.

"It's the eighteenth. You've been out for a while." Darrick said.

"That's an understatement." Matthew grumbled. He tried to sit up again, but Darrick held him down. "I need to leave and get back to my squadron."

"The allied armies are moving this way. They'll be here by tomorrow. Stay put for now." Darrick said trying to convince him. "Don't want to re-re open your wound do ya mate?"

"I guess so. I'm sorry for being such a bother." Matthew apologized.

Darrick rolled his and shook his head. "It's fine. It's nice to have someone to talk with."

After a while of talking Darrick finally let Matthew up and helped him over to the table. His wound was healing, but not as fast as he intended. He wanted to get back in a plane. Canada wasn't scared to get back in the air. He had learned from his mistakes and knew how to fix them.

"So kid, where ya from?" The Australian asked handing Matthew a cup of stew as he sat at the small kitchen table.

"Canada, I'm from Canada." He stuttered. Darrick continued to ask questions with Matthew quietly answering.

"You sound like quite a tall poppy." The Australian commented.

"A what?"

"Tall poppy? It's slang for a successful person. Someone who is put of a higher pedestal because of their status or accomplishments. A lot of people might envy it and talk bad about them." Darrick explained. Canada smiled shyly. He didn't like being the centre of attention. "You should be getting some rest mate. That wound won't heal without it. We'll check and change the bandages in the morning."

-❄"Fight to fly, fly to fight, fight to win."❄-

By the next morning the allied army's arrived in the village. Matthews wound had almost healed fully overnight. Just a small scab was left much to Darrick's surprise. Canada had got up and made breakfast for the Australian. It was the least he could do for the man who had pulled him out of the forest. When they were finished eating Matthew cleaned the plates and they headed into town.

Allied army vehicles and personnel were everywhere. Canada spotted a Canadian symbol on one of the tanks. "I should go. Thank you very much for the help!" He said. Darrick smiled as the Canadian left.

AN: I know it's short, but I didn't want to start anything new in this chapter. I have planned my historical events. I just gotta write them.

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