Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

AN: I don't like this chapter! Ugh! Any-who, Happy Birthday Canada!

The two brothers got into the plane and into the air and Matthew levelled out the plane. He was enjoying the odd quiet from his brother in the back seat. Canada wondered if he had forgotten to activate Americas head set.

"Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie, Mattie!" Alfred screeched loudly.

"What?!" Matthew growled.

"Do a barrel role!" America yelled through the head set. Canada was debating whether to turn it off now.


"Why not?" Alfred asked pouting and giving the back of Matthews's seat puppy dog eyes.

"Because there are rules." Matthew attempted to explain.

"You're in my airspace, so its okay!" He yelled. Matthew turned the volume down on his brothers head set. He felt bad for Kuma who had to stay with America during the whole flight and he had no control over the Americans volume.

"America, you don't have to yell. I'm right here!" Canada said with a groan. They weren't even an hour into their flight and Alfred was already giving Matthew a head ache.

"I won't yell anymore if you do a barrel role!" America yelled excitedly.

"Fine." Canada snapped pulling the plane into a roll and levelling out. "Happy?"

"Very." Alfred smirked. "What other planes have you flown?"

"I've flown to many to remember." Matthew said thinking. "I'm kinda the test pilot for new planes since we can't die and g-forces don't affect us."

"So you've got to fly a lot of crazy shit then? That's so cool bro! What's the best thingy you've flew?" America asked.

"Great grammar there Alfie." Canada muttered thinking about the aircraft he's flown. "I really liked the Avro Arrow. That was fun to fly."

"Dude, you like actually gotta fly one of those things? They were like top secret!" Alfred said excitedly.

"It was so fun to fly!" Matthew said with a smile. "I got to open it up and see how fast it really went. Broke the sound barrier and a lot of windows too."

"That must have pissed people off." The American commented. Canada could hear him flicking gauges in the back of the plane and sighed. The back seat controls were disabled.

"What are you doing?" Matthew asked.

"Flipping switches to see what they do." His brother said.

"They don't do anything right now. Stop touching stuff."

"Aww! I wanted to find the ejector seat button!"

"Tough luck. None of them work." Canada said with a smirk. He might have enabled the ejector seat for his brother if he had one.

"I'm bored. Are we there yet? How long will it take? Where are we going anyways? Do you have a radio?" Alfred asked quickly.

"No. We're not there yet. Yukon. Yes I have a radio and no you can't use it." Matthew grumbled massaging his temple. "Wanna play a game? How about I spy?" He suggested.

"Sure I'll go first!" America giggled like a little kid. "I spy with my little eye something blue."

"Is it the sky?" Matthew guessed.

"Yes, how'd you know?"

"It's the only blue thing around." Matthew grunted.

"This sucks." Alfred said. "All I can see is the sky and clouds."

"Hold Kuman, I'll turn upside down so we can see the city." The Canadian said. So much for rules.

"Cool! Got him." Alfred said excitedly. Canada heard an annoyed growl coming from the back seat. Kuma didn't really like the loud American, but compiled. Matthew flipped the plane keeping it level and on course. "I spy something orange!"

"Is it the Schneider truck?"


"The construction sign?"


"The sand on that golf course way over there?"

"Sand isn't orange."

"Whatever. That house with the red doors and brown roof?"

"No. You're really bad at this, Mattie."

The two brothers continued to play and soon they got bored and quit. It was hard to keep Alfred's attention for more than fifteen minutes. Eventually he started to play flappy bird on his phone and yelling his score every time he died. Canada groaned and turned Alfred's headset down until he could barely hear him and sighed.

AN: I feel like my version of America sucks, ugh!

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