Mikey Hurt!

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I'm back! Image not MINE!

I do not own TMNT!

.Mikey was on patrol with his brothers. When all of a sudden he saw a red dot on Donnie.

"Donnie look out" Mikey said. Donnie barley had enough time to register what had happened.

"NOOOO" Mikey screamed. He pushed Donnie out of the way. The bullet hit Mikey's stomach. Mikey let out a scream of pain. And he collapsed on the ground holding his stomach.

Raph let out a cry of rage and attacked the sniper. Surprising him and knocking him  unconscious.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie rushed over to Mikey Worried sick. 

"Mikey where did he hit you" Donnie asked hesitantly. Leo and Raph held Mikey up. Mikey whimpered in pain. 

"Bros it really hurts and I'm really tired" Mikey said. Mikey gasped in pain and held his stomach. He looked down and saw his stomach was bleeding heavily.

"Oh Mikey my poor baby brother" Leo said. "Guys we gotta get him home NOW!" Donnie said.

"Don't worry little brother I'll carry you home" Raph said" He gently picked up Mikey bridle style. Mikey whimpered. "Let's go guys!" Leo said. 

They rushed Mikey home. And went straight to Donnie's lab. "Set him down on the bed" Donnie said. By now Mikey was passed out. Raph put him down on the bed. "Why would he do that" Raph said. 

"Do what" Leo asked. "Jump infront for a bullet" Raph said. "Were supposed to protect him" Raph said angrily. 

"He took it for me guys" Donnie said guilty. He finished checking Mikey. "The bullet didn't go all the way through. I'm going to have to remove it, but I can't concentrate with you guys in here." Donnie said.

"I'm not leaving my little brother alone with a bullet in him" Raph said. "Raph let Donnie take care of Mikey he'll be ok" Leo said trying to assure Raph. "Come on Raph" Leo said gently. 

Pulling Raph out of the lab with him. Donnie quickly got to work. He gave Mikey numbing medicine. (Insert Bullet wound steps because I do not know)

Here Is Lilly the time skipping frog!!!!

After Donnie was done treating Mikey he fell asleep next to Mikey. Leo and Raph came in later on and fell asleep next to Mikey also. Now they had to wait for him to wake up.

Lilly the second frog time skip!!!! 

3 hours go by!

Mikey opens his eyes groaning. He looks around and sees his 3 big brothers next to him sleeping. 'Why am I? OH right I got shot' Mikey thought. "Welp their gonna be over-protective for a while" Mikey mumbled to himself.

Donnie opened his eyes. When he saw Mikey was awake he jumped and ran to Mikey. "MIKEY" Donnie screamed. Donnie grabbed Mikey in a tight hug. Mikey grimaced in pain but ignored it.  

"Who What" Leo asked as he and Raph were woken up from Donnie's scream. "He's awake" Donnie cried happily. He gently kissed Mikey on the forehead. "Mikey" Raph and Leo whispered.

They both launched themselves on to Mikey hugging him tight. "Your ok" Raph said tearfully. He gave Mikey a noogie. Leo looked grabbed Mikey's chin and forced him to look at Leo. "Mikey don't you ever do that again" Leo said shakily. He leaned down and kissed Mikey's forehead. 

"I'm sorry" Mikey cried. All the of the brothers arms tightened their hold on Mikey. They began rocking him gently. 

"Shh. It's ok Mikey don't cry. I'm very proud of you. Shhh. Shhh. Baby don't cry" Donnie said.

"It's ok little bro. Don't cry were here. Your big brothers are here. Shh" Raph said.

"Hush my little angel. It's ok. It's ok. Shh. I'm so proud of you baby brother. Shh. You noticed the bullet before any of us. Shh. We're so proud of you. Shh. Hush now baby" Leo said. Leo kissed his forehead again.

Mikey sniffled. Then he smiled. "I was trying to protect you guys because you always it for me" Mikey said tearfully. "But It's out job to protect you baby bro" Raph said. 

"Lets go back to sleep now. Ok? We can talk more in the morning baby. I know your tired" Leo said. Mikey yawned. Cuddling into his big brothers. They smiled down at him. 

"Want me to sing you guys a lullaby?" Leo asked. They all nodded. Cuddling into Leo.

"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are gray. You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take. My sunshine away. The other night, dear. As I lay sleeping. I dreamed I held you. In my arms. When I awoke, dear. I was mistaken. So I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy. When skies are gray. You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take. My sunshine away"

Leo sang gently. 

He looked down to see his baby brothers asleep. He nuzzled them. And kissed each one of their foreheads. "Good night my sweet baby brothers". Leo said before he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

So yea I'm not dead! 

I promise to post more often from now on.

Taking requests! 

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