Mikey's Shredder Nightmare

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here is my first one shot! Warning mentions of blood!


*Scene would start with Shredders dungeon*

Mikey was sitting in a cell all alone looking around anxiously. He looked up once he heard some sort of scraping sound. It was Shredder dragging Leo. "Turtle unless your brother or you start telling me where your Sensei is your not going to be alive for much longer". Shredder said. He laughed evily. He threw Leo in the cell. The Shredder left but not before saying "Tik Tok turtles your time is almost running out".

Mikey looked at Leo. "Leo are you okay" he asked. Leo groaned in pain. Their was cuts and bruises all over his body. Blood was seeping out everywhere. "M-m-ikey" Leo said weakly. "Y-yea Leo I'm here". Mikey said. Mikey looked at Leo's body trying so hard not to cry.

"It-s gon-na be oka-y baby bro-oth-er" Leo said gently. Mikey looked down and saw Leo's eyes open. Mikey let out a sob and hugged Leo close to his plastron. Crying his little heart out because he was so scared and worried for Leo.

"I-lov-e y-you Mik-key" Leo said about to slip into unconsciousness due to the blood loss. Mikey was full on sobbing at this point. "I lo-ove you to Bi-ig bro-othe-er" Mikey said.

"Isn't that sweetly disgusting" a deep voice said. Mikey looked up and saw the Shredder. "Your time is up turtles" Shredder said with an evil laugh. "I'll give you one last chance to tell me where your Sensei is if you do then I'll let you go" Shredder said. "NEVER" Mikey screamed.

"Then so be it" Shredder said but no longer than 5 seconds later Shredder quickly took Leo out of Mikey's arms. "I hope you said goodbye turtle because tonight is the last night you'll both be breathing" Shredder said.

Shredder raised his claw thinges(i dont know what to call them.) Then stabbed Leo through the heart killing him instantly. Leo went limp. "NO" Mikey screamed and wailed out. The Shredder laughed. "Don't worry you'll be joining him soon". Shredder said.

With that said Shredder then grabbed Mikey by the throat. Mikey was squirming in the Shredder's hold and pleading for Leo to wake up. Mikey's eyes were blinded by his tears. Tears of pain and sorrow. The Shredder struck Mikey's chest.

Mikey woke up gasping and little tears littered from his eyes. -Was it really just a dream- Mikey thought. "It felt so real" he sobbed. Mikey started shaking and wailing loudly. (Note-Raph and Donnie were somewhere else helping helping April with something-)

-Meanwhile with Leo-

Leo was sleeping peacefully. Until he woke up because his gut was telling him something was wrong.(Mother hen Leo XD). Leo decided to push it off as nothing but then just as he was about to go to sleep he heard loud crying. "Is that Mikey" Leo thought aloud.

He stood up and walked over to Mikey's room. The crying sound got louder as he approached Mikey's room. Leo quietly opened the door. What he saw broke his heart. Mikey was curled up into himself shaking like a leaf and crying loudly. -What happened to my poor baby brother- Leo thought sadly.

-Back to normal time-

Mikey was bawling his heart out. He heard his door open. Mikey snapped his head up. He saw that it was Leo and tried to stop himself from crying. He tried wiping away his waterfall of tears that just kept coming. He didn't want Leo to think of him as a big cry baby. When he looked backed up he saw that Leo was now sitting on his bed in front of him with a concerned and worried expression.

"What happened Mikey" Leo asked his voice soft and comforting. "Did you have a nightmare" He asked. Mikey nodded and kept trying to stop his tears from falling. "Aw buddy come here" Leo said in a welcoming voice. Mikey looked back up to see Leo holding his arms out. He hesitated.

Mikey still couldn't get the image of the bloody Leo he had from his nightmare. So Mikey just scooted away from Leo because he was scared. When Mikey looked at Leo again he could see hurt in Leo's eyes. Mikey couldn't contain his emotions anymore he just broke down and started sobbing and shaking again.

Leo decided to take matters into his own hands. he pulled Mikey onto his lap and embraced him. he started rocking Mikey back and forth while nuzzling him some. He also rubbed Mikey's shell trying to get him to calm down.

"Mikey hey hey shhh shhh it's ok, Iv'e got you, shhh I'm right here "Leo said. He then kissed Mikey's forehead. After about 5 minutes of comfort from Leo Mikey finally started to calm down.

"What happened in your nightmare baby bro? Do you want to talk about it" Leo asked. Mikey shuddered and kept a wave of tears from happening. He then started to Leo about his nightmare.(Insert Mikey telling Leo his nightmare I'm to lazy to write it XD).

"It was awful Leo I watched you die" Mikey whimpered. Leo looked down at Mikey and kissed his forehead. "It's all over now baby bro it was just a nightmare, I wont ever let Shredder hurt you or anyone else ever again. Leo said.

He tightened his hold on Mikey. Leo looked back down at Mikey and saw him struggling to not fall asleep. Leo cooed at the sight. "Looks like you'll be sleeping with me tonight. Leo cooed. Mikey just snuggled himself closer to Leo. Leo then picked up Mikey and carried him to his room.

Leo layed Mikey down on his bed. Before getting in himself. Mikey curled into Leo trying to get as close as he can to him. Leo pulled the blanket over both of themselves. Leo looked back down at Mikey and kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight Otouto" Leo said. He put his head on top of Mikey's and drifted off to sleep. But not before hearing Mikey say "Goodnight Ani". They both got a peaceful sleep with no more nightmares.

Finally I got this One-shot done!

please let me know what you think.

I'm taking any requests!

I might do a bonus scene of this story with Raph and Donnie

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