Sparring and Conversing

26 1 0

Author's Note: (WAHHHHH SORRY FOR NOT UDPATING IN OVER A YEAR LET'S CONTINUE-) (also holy shit im never writing first person pov again)

The sound of swords colliding ring in my ear. Although a friendly dual, losing my focus for even a second could result in serious injury. However, the thrill of such of risk only strengthens my determination more. While Madeline may be the boastful and annoying type, his skill in battle helps keep up his reputation. I usually manage to keep my focus for an entire dual, however, my mind keeps wandering off to that boy. Was it really him? Or have I gone mad? My thoughts cloud my mind, and my movements have become sloppier. While lost in thought, the final blow from Madeleine's sword nearly knocks me over. His arm reachs out for mine, yanking me back to my feet.

"Gah, Financier, are you alright?" His eyebrows furrowed. I've been caught.

"Y-yes, I'm fine." A sharp pain rises from my cheek, and I wince once my hand reaches it. Seems like I've been grazed as well.

"I'm starting to think otherwise. You usually aren't this distracted when we spar, something has to be up." He saw right through me.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." I hiss out, but a slight tremble in my voice ruins the effect. His face drops.

"Alright then, I won't pry then." He gives me a weak smile and pats my shoulder. "We should probably patch up that cut though." He begins to walk off, then waves his arm to gesture me to follow.  I walk towards his side, not without a small wave of guilt taking over.


"And...that should do it!" He steps back, placing his hands on his hips and tilts his head up, most likely in pride. "Be blessed that you were patched up by the Madeline Cookie himself!" I graze my hand over the bandage on my cheek, and smile back at him. He insisted on bandaging me up, saying he felt guilty for hurting me, even if it was my fault for not paying attention. After a few moments in silence, I begin to speak.

"I'm sorry, but...I do have something on my mind." His face turns to look at me, a little wide-eyed. He sits by the nearest seat, and rests his elbows on his lap holding his head up with his hands. He then gives off a confident smile.

"Alright then, I'm all ears!" He's likely been waiting for me to spill what was on my mind.

I take a deep breath. "Ok, so remember how I mentioned how I had a friend move away years ago and how he never really came back?" He nodded his head, and so I continued.

"I think he might've come back, but I'm not sure. I've only seen a glimpse of him a while back, but I'm not sure if my mind is just messing with me right now." I look down at my hands, noticing how they're clenched. I feel my eyes widen in surprise; am I frustrated? I then shake my head, and look back up at Madeleine. He looks to be in deep thought.

"So you believe that your childhood friend who moved away years ago is back in the Republic?" He relaxes, and looks at me with a small smile. "That's a good thing, no? You can finally see him again!"

"Yes, but I'm not actually sure if it's him though, not to mention the possibility that he forgot me." I slightly wince at that thought. What if he did forget me? Not only would it be awkward as hell if he did, but it would hurt. A lot. Madeleine then crosses his arms, leaning back. He closes his eyes and furrows his brows.

"That would be a mess, BUT," The sudden tone in volume snaps my head towards him. "What if he hasn't?"


"What if he's also been thinking about you all this time too? You'd never know if you didn't try to find and talk to him again?"

"And what on Earthbread do you mean, 'too'?" I feel my face heat up.

"Ah. Do you not like him?"

"Well yea, of course! But as a friend way, obviously." I mutter the last word.

"Ah, that's a new face I never expected from the ever-so stoic Financier Cookie! Seems I found out something else about you." He gives me a small smirk.


As I said, Madeline Cookie is a great friend. But he can be a bit much.



ok author's note: sorry for disappearing for over a year i was in the bathroom

anyways hope u enjoyed this longer chapter i was literally writing another fic before writing this chapter and im going to go back to it right now baibai

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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