Chapter 8- 'How!'

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My life has never been much for coincidences, unpredictability, instability, tragedy or leaving things to the wind. I enjoyed keeping it on a tight leash to the point where it was more than predictable. I was so focused I lost sight of enjoying life and living to merely just existing. Blah!

The day I sent off that Escort letter and it was intercepted by Demetri was the day our faith got intertwined, that was the day I was fated to no longer just... exist.

Now I'm laying in a hospital bed after fighting for two little people I definitely did not expect to be here much less, being responsible for. How long has it been? How long was I out? 3 days? A week?

I was still in an unconscious state, or so they thought. I could hear the shuffling, the cooing, the giggles, the whispers, the pacing footsteps, and silent prayers being uttered from my mom's lips.

"Dios mío, por favor tráeme a mi bebé. Ha pasado por mucho y desearía que viviera para ver a sus bebés y sus logros. Para conseguir todo el deseo de su corazón. Para ver crecer a sus bebés. Por favor, Dios, tráenosla, te lo ruego."

("My God, Please bring my baby back to me. She has been through so much and I wish she would live to see her babies and accomplishments. To get all her heart's desire. To see her babies grow up. Please God bring her back to us, please I beg")

I could feel the worry, the tension, the stress weighing heavy on her words. She sat at my bedside holding my hand, she felt so warm, her touch felt so familiar, she felt like home.

I stirred as my eyes began to open with limited movement, my mom was the first to raise an alarm.

"Omg! Omg! Omg! Nurse.., nurse she's waking up! Come quick!"

She ran and screamed so frantically.

My mom will always be a mom, Overly drama but with every fiber, it was out of love.

"I just laid there, stunned, watching everyone looking at me. The twin was in my sister's hand while Demetri held the other. Such an amazing sight. I fought through hell and high water to have them back the least I can do was give them a great life and I'm sure their father will see to it!

My eyes switched to my mom who came back in putting her hand over her mouth with a sigh of relief in her eyes and heading back to my bedside.

"Gracias, Dios mios, Gracias" as she placed her warm hands on my cheeks

"My baby, your father was watching over you!" Oh, thank God! She was elated

" I scanned the room and my eye contact with Demetri who gripped the child tighter while smiling at me. I was happy.

I tried sitting up but the pain was so intense I hardly moved and changed my mind about it altogether.

"My baby" I muttered so softly

A whisper that my sister understood. She moved immediately and brought the child to my arms, it was the girl and with one look in her caramel eyes I was in love, my soul lifted, nothing else in this world mattered. Those were the eyes of reincarnation, of unspoken innocence and beauty in a world where life was cruel and wicked.

"What are you gonna name her?" My sister uttered bringing me out of my trance

"Aurora Nathalia Carter" I whispered

"That's a beautiful name" My mom chimed in

"And the boy?"

I stewed over it in silence as I only ever prepared myself for one child. I was thinking so hard that Demetri chimed in

"Klaus Jeve Carter" My eyes snapped to him as my mom started saying thank you.

I had no choice but to smile at him in silence as he not only saved me but he choose perfectly and I agreed, he stared down at our son nestled in his arms sleeping like he never wanted to put him down. His face looked so serene, happy, like he had everything in the world. Knowing that gave me peace.

"My dad would be grateful, Thank you!" I whispered

"I love you and our family" He responded

Even though I wasn't in a position to do much I wanted to hug him so badly but I had to settle for smiling.

The nurse entered the room looking pensive, she made her way to my bed side and stood looking at my files.

"Mrs. Carter, Mr. Carter, I have news. Your right leg suffered lacerations due to the glass and that means you will have some minor issues like scarring, delayed healing, and pain which we will be providing medications for however these will be mild as it might affect the baby"

She stated while Demetri moved closer

"It will affect breastfeeding?" I questioned

"Oh no, no, no, no no most definitely not!" she jumped in all chirpy "We don't want it affecting your fetus!"

I had a hard time grasping the concept but we did have sex like rabbits.

"We're pregnant!?" Demetri chimed in

"Yes! Congrats"

I sat there just staring in his eyes, I didn't know what to do. Can I really go through this again? I stared at Demetri once more when he mouthed.

"I got Us baby"

An Unexpected Gift Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now