Title: Magnum Imperium Volume 1: Aftrious Academy: (COMPLETED)
Genre: Teen fiction, Action*********************
82 Reads 4 Votes 1 PartsNorthern Thrill Sylvestique, the hidden gem of Sylvestique empire. At five years old she was already trained in battlefield, all her life she's always been a puppet and a robot because all she can do is follow rules.
Killing enjoyed her the most, it became her favorite play iyon naman talaga ang gusto niya, ang pumatay at makipag laro. Nagbago lamang ang lahat ng may iatang sa kaniyang misyon and it is to find the
missing heirloom of their family. Mahalaga Ang black crescent sa kaniyang pamilya that's why she need to find it and the mission starts in Aftrious Academy: School of Mafias.
Author: Akamei_Sensei
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