Title: Monasterio Series #4: A Romance Blossomed In Sirao (COMPLETED)
2.51M Reads 93.3K Votes 44 PartsAdrestia Lucinda Dela Cruz is a very hardworking young lady from Cebu. At a young age, she already knows what she wants to do and how she can achieve it. In short, she's a strong and independent woman despite being financially challenged. When Dashiel Adam Monasterio moves to Cebu to manage their lands, her simple and quiet life changes. Here, she gets to know more about Dashiel behind the facade of being a rich heir and a playboy. As the two of them spend more and more time, their feelings slowly began to grow and develop.
But with their social status far apart, will they be able to love freely, without any inhibitions?
Author: Warranj
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