Title: Tides Turned (Ruin #1) (COMPLETED)
361K Reads 6.29K Votes 47 Parts"You're going to die in the worst possible tragicway, I'd make sure of that."
Hervisca Caprisce Versaylles, a kind-heartedwoman who allowed herself to be destroyed bythe person she loves. She thinks she deserves it.She can't escape her past mistakes, so she didwhat they wanted. Hervisca endured all the painand suffering. Only to find out na pinaglalaruanlamang pala siya ng mga ito. Now, all she wantsis revenge. She will make everyone taste hersmoldering rage.
Just as the ocean won't stop kissing the shore,their paths will intertwine once more. This timeit's her turn. She won't ever lose again. Theymust be ready. The waves will be rise again, butthis time-the tide has turned.
Author: MsChinGorgeous
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